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a/n: yall get ready for some spice👀

"let us all welcome Miss Y/N to deliver her speech as the owner and designer for her new product launching!"

there she is, Y/N standing proudly on the stage while her surrounding people cheered for her. she succeed, succeed being one of the famous designer all over the world. she was proud of herself being a successful 23 years old woman. her 5 years of study didn't waste any tears.

she had finally launch her second new design for her own product, Shine On.

Y/N step down from the stage walking with her assistant on her side. "Miss, we need to go to the agency right now for the boy group that will be modeling your new designs." she said.

"okay then let's not waste our time." Y/N said walking towards her car. "oh also, he said he will come to the studio if his practice end early." Y/n's lips twitched upwards when she heard about him. she was eyeing her ring on her finger but was snapped by her assistant.

"Miss, if you don't drive now we might be late."

as soon as they arrived at the agency, both of them directly went towards the meeting room with the guide of the staff.

"i'm sorry Miss, we need to wait for them to be excuse from practice for this meeting." the manager said. Y/N shook her head with a smile, "you can take your time. i'm not rushing anyways."

around 10 minutes later, the sound of boys were heard at the door. "hello..." the leader of the group, Hyunsuk dragged his word when he saw her.

"hello, nice to meet you, again." she greeted bowing towards the four boys that were coming into the room one boy before taking their seats.

"find your Treasure, hello we are Treasure!" Hyunsuk, Jihoon, Mashiho and Jeongwoo greeted. "so... let's get into the point of the meeting." Y/N started.

the meeting slowly went pass their time without knowing that they almost took the whole afternoon. "i think that's it for today." the manager and staffs finally agree with one word with their proposal with Y/N's product.

"i hope with this proposal we can promote Treasure and also my design to the world. thank you for collaborating with me." Y/N stood up bowing to the staffs and Treasure members.

soon, the staff slowly went out one by one to arrange their schedule leaving the six of them in the room. the silence could kill a bug. "i will wait you at the lobby." Y/N's assistant said before going out from the room.

"its been 3 years, Y/N."

she only look at her lap not daring to raise her head up. it was too awkward since its been that long they haven't see each other since the incident.

"its been so long hm? how about you guys?" she finally look at them. "we are all in good, but for him... i don't think so." Jeongwoo replied.

that slight made her scoffed, "why wouldn't he?" she asked. "he said he regret it." Jihoon, this time answered. remembering the past made her into tearing, she quickly wipe the tears out. "its too late, Jihoon. he left me just like that." she said.

she felt Mashiho's eyes on her finger. "are you...." he asked wide her round eyes plastered. "yes, but please don't tell anyone. only the four of you know about this. actually, no one can know because we tried to make it secret."

"sorry to break but we need to go now boys." Hyunsuk said standing up followed by the others. one by one hugged Y/N. "guys," she called before they step out from the room. "please don't tell him, at least not now."

few days later, the photo shoot had started but Y/N was not there at the meantime since she had another store launching event. only her assistant and few other staffs were at the studio monitoring the boys.

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