❝𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒❞ - jihoon

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y/n parked her car in the school compound earning the gazes from other students. she was quite popular for her wealth and pretty attitude and face. but no one knows the other side of her life.

she is a mafia.

no one knows about her family besides the family of her fiancee, park jihoon. both of them got engaged to build a powerful mafia empire. both of them were the heir and heiress of biggest mafia, the Kwon clan and Park clan.

y/n and jihoon relationship was going well since both of them caught feelings for each other.

y/n who was a year younger than jihoon have to went to school to finish her studies. sometimes she just want to stop schooling and work with her fiancee instead. she love being in school but hates it when someone particular picking on her.

that person is kim hana.

y/n know that hana had a grudge on her since she got the attention of boys. she was jealous of y/n.

"yah kwon y/n." hana called her when y/n went out from the toilet. y/n let out a heavy sighed before turning around. "what do you want this time kim hana?" she asked trying not to pick a fight with her.

"you, i hate you. i want you to get lost." kim hana said while taking closer steps towards y/n. she scoffed at her. "yah kim hana. dont you have any other things to do? arent you getting bored that you everyday picking on me?" y/n spat.

"if i were you, i would find another thing to do instead of picking on someone." y/n smirked but a palm strikes on her cheeks.

"eat that you wench!" hana said while laughing. y/n was shock by the slap and feel that blood was coming out from the long cut that was caused by hana's long nail.

"you serious want to die kim hana!" y/n yelled and was about to slap her back but was stopped by the principal who was just about to past by.

"what are the two of you doing?!" he yelled. suddenly hana acting like she was get slapped. "sir! y/n was trying to hurt me." she whimpered towards the principal.

"kwon y/n how dare you! do you know who's daughter is this? you will surely get kicked out from the school." the principal said. y/n clenched her fist in anger. "lets get done here. y/n please call your guardian so that we will discuss this after school. you too kim hana."

both principal and kim hana went towards the school clinic stating that kim hana was hit by y/n and needed some medical checkup.

"you guys are so dead if you know who's daughter am i." she mumbled under her breath.

she went out to the school garden and took out her phone dialing jihoon's number. "yes love?" he answered the call. "i need you to come to my school." she said. "why? did you get into trouble? did you kill someone?" he asked.

"i did not kill someone, yet. its kim hana. she was picking on me but suddenly the principal came so she accused that i hit her. so the principal asked the both of us call out guardian. you know what my father will do if someone lay hand on me." y/n explained pinching the bridge of her nose.

"okay i will go there alright? see you later." he ended the call.

fast forward its already after school. y/n along with kim hana's parents and the person herself sat in the principal's room waiting for jihoon.

y/n sat there while watching the ugly scene of kim hana fake whining to her parents that her body hurts saying that y/n hit her while her parents babying her away.

she got disgusted and voiced out. "yah kim hana. stop whining like a baby you look so ugly." she said with her poker face.

kim hana's mother went up to y/n. "how dare you--" she raised up her hands to slap y/n but was cut off by someone.

"you dare lay your hands on her i will not hesitate to cut your hand off."

"m-mr park?" the principal stuttered while looking at jihoon. both kim hana's parents was too shocked. mr kim pulled away his wife from y/n. "i-i'm sorry mr park." he bowed.

jihoon grabbed y/n's chin so that he can see clearly the face of his fiancee before his eyes went to the long cut of her cheeks.

his eyes turned dark and looked at kim hana who had her head down trembling in fear. "did you slapped her?" he asked. kim hana tried to answer but words couldnt get out from her mouth since she was scared.

"its fine let me show you the cctv footage then." jihoon grabbed the ipad from his guard and showed everyone in the room. it was clearly that kim hana slapped y/n.

both of hana's parents kneel down in front of y/n and jihoon. "please dont kill us. please have mercy on us." they begged.

jihoon took a glanced at y/n. "you guys really dont know who are you dealing with. such a dead wish. be thankful that its me that came and not her father." he said.

"you laid your hand on my fiancee." he pointed his finger at kim hana. "should i kill you first?" he smirked.

y/n suddenly stood up went closer to kim hana. "this is why i never fight you back. i did help you to get out of trouble. but instead, you choose the trouble." she smirked at her who was shaking. hana tried to reach for y/n but instead y/n went closer to hana's ears and whispered,

"i'm kwon y/n, the daughter of kwon jiyong."

that made hana let out a big yelp. "so i hope you will take action on hana's behavior since we already know who was the culprit." jihoon said taking y/n's hand into his.

"we will excuse ourselves." both of them went out from the room and towards jihoon's car. "lets go home. i will ask someone to bring back you car." he said asking the driver to drive.

he softly grabbed her face. "that must hurt." he said stating at the cut. y/n smiled shaking her head. "it sting a little but its fine."

"your father already know about this. he is going to kill them for laying hand on you." jihoon said. y/n just shrugged her shoulder. "i dont care. all i want now is cuddles." she said as she wrapped her arms around her fiancee's torso.

jihoon kissed her non cut cheek tenderly.

"you are wild but cute mafia sometimes."

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