❝PRANK❞ - hyunsuk

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y/n walked towards the elevator with exhausted feelings after getting called by the ceo to check on treasure's comeback choreograph.

she overworked herself because her college entrance exam is around the corner. she didnt get enough sleep at all. sometimes she was debating if she should drop out of college and continue working as treasure's choreographer or be both.

"happy birthday y/n!" the manager of treasure greeted her as soon as she walked into the elevator. she smiled at him. "thank you. are the boys ready?" she asked. "yes and mrs. hwang already waiting in the practice room." he said trying not to smile.

she nodded in understand and quickly walked towards the room. she greeted everyone and made an eye contact with her boyfriend, hyunsuk.

"why is there many cameras?" she asked putting down her belongings. "we just finished filming treasure map episode. how are you?" hyunsuk gave her a side hug which y/n returned.

"still alive." she chuckled. "now go away to your positions." she shooed him away and turned to mrs. hwang who gave her the cue to start the music.

they started to dance but y/n noticed that the boys were not dancing with their best and started to messing up the choreograph. y/n glanced at mrs. hwang who already have a unsatisfied look. y/n also started to feel frustrated why the boys suddenly like that.

"stop the music y/n." mrs. hwang suddenly voiced in the middle of the dance. the room were filled by the sounds of heavy breathing from the boys.

"what is this?" mrs. hwang stared at y/n with disappointed face. "is this what you want to give to me? to the fans who anticipated with their comeback?"

y/n only had her head down and hands on her back. "answer me y/n!" mrs. hwang lashed making all of them flinched. the camera mans and other staffs started to leave the room.

"y/n what happened? did you went easy on them because hyunsuk is there?" y/n clenched her fist in frustration trying to hold her tears. "no ma'am." she answered.

"then why they keep making mistakes? some of them even confused with their moves. dont you feel stress y/n? what about your college entrance preparations?"

y/n cant even hold back her tears anymore. drop by drop tears falling down on the floor.

"y/n, i'm really disappointed with you today. what will you feel when the fans suddenly saw that the moves that you created suddenly a disaster? what happened to the rising choreographer of YG? you were just 18 when yang hyunsuk scouted you into this entertainment as a choreographer. arent you proud of yourself? the choreography that you made, just dance, boy, i love you." she stopped trying not to break into a smile.

"do you want me to make you change the whole choreography? like what have you did before just because yang hyunsuk was not satisfied for the just dance?"

"no ma'am." she answered. "then change their mistakes before i make you to change." she threatened and walked her heels out from the room.

y/n sat on a chair glaring at the members one by one who stood far away in front of her.

"happy?" she dryly chuckled. "all of you must be happy that i got scolded in front of all of you, in front of the staffs."

"hyunsuk, jihoon." y/n started to tear up by mentioning her boyfriend's name. she was younger than hyunsuk only one year, they know that they shouldnt have messed up with her during practices.

"both of you are leaders. you cant help me with the members when i'm not here?" her voiced cracked. "dancers," she called out. "no, not them. all of you! cant you be cooperative? i know all of you were tired with practices. i am tired too!" she yelled at her last sentence.

"did you guys did it on purpose? to humiliate me in front of mrs. hwang?" she asked.

"no." hyunsuk answered. she turned to him. "then?" she stared at him. hyunsuk looked up to his girlfriend. "sorry y/n-ah." he said trying to walk towards her.

she scoffed and stood up before hyunsuk could reach her.

"thank you for the birthday presents." she let out the scoff before running out from the room.

hyunsuk stared up to the ceiling to prevent any tears to come out. he didnt expect that what just happened eating y/n's feelings up.

"hyung, should we start now?" junghwan asked holding a balloon trying to break the tension.


y/n was trying to calm herself in her private room that was provided for her. she sat in the middle of the room with her knees to her chest and head on her knees. "crying wont stop the problem y/n." she muttered to herself.

suddenly there was a knock on the door. "jagi i'm going in." she heard the voice from outside. she knew who came into the room by the perfume of the man.

hyunsuk plopped himself down in front of her with his back leaning on the mirror. he only stare at y/n because he know that she didnt anything but just a comfort presence because action speaks louder.

she slowly release herself and crawled towards hyunsuk who just few steps from her. she sat on his lap with her face buried in his neck. hyunsuk smiled at this situation and kissed her head few times calming her down.

"you work hard, really good job." he compliment her while rubbing her back. he felt tears on his neck and pulled away a bit to see her face. "come on dont cry anymore."

almost half an hour, hyunsuk finally managed to get her stop crying. y/n pulled out from the hug wiping away her tears. he give kisses on her forehead and cheeks. he knew that y/n cant talk because of the hiccups and cracked voice.

he took a glance at his phone and grinned. "lets go back to practice room. the boys need to apologize and you need to check on our dance." he pulled y/n by waist and they walked back together.

she twisted the door open and greeted by nothing but darkness. "guys? where--"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" they all shouted making y/n shock grabbing hyunsuk's arm for support. all of them started to sing the happy birthday song while y/n trying not to cry again.

"PRANK SUCCESS!" they all clapped while pointing at the camera all over the room. y/n eyes widened.

"all of these were prank?!" she shrieked. she fell onto the floor covering her face. "you guys are so mean!"

they all settled down and started to taking pictures.

"thank you guys. i appreciate it very much even you guys broke my heart."

they all started to eat the take away before start to practice again. y/n was busy monitoring the choreograph if she should change it.

"happy birthday jagi." hyunsuk gave y/n a long kiss on the cheeks and hug her from behind.

"thank you hyunsuk-ah." she pecked his cheeks before smirking at him leaving him in question before turned to members.

"for the punishment, lets all practice until i want to stop." she smirked at them.

"YOU ARE SO MEAN Y/N!" all of them yelled.

well, lets just say y/n enjoyed torturing them that night.

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