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A week had passed after the incident at the club and the two Inspectors is still digging for further information about Smiley and his gang. The morning started with Y/N showed up in front of Yedam's apartment while banging his door to wake him up.

He groggily opened the door with his pajama rubbing his eyes. "We have to go Yedam, Nam Sooah is awake!" She said unsteadily as she panted, resulting him to flew towards his room and get ready.

The two rushed inside the hospital and was halt by the policeman who was given a task to guard outside of Sooah's ward. Yedam raised his identification card before they walked inside only to see the girl was staring out of the window. "Hello, Nam Sooah. Do you feel a lot better?" Y/N asked with a light smile.

The girl turned giving them a grin. "We're here to interrogate you about things that happened a few days--" Yedam's sentences was stopped when the door creaked opened revealing a nurse with a medic trolley. "Sorry to interrupt, but Miss Sooah had to change her IV drip." She said passing through the both of them as she did her work, however Y/N eyed her suspiciously.

She wrapped her fingers around his arm making him crouch his back as she whispered to him. "Why do I think I've seen her before?" She straightly looked at Yedam who nods agreeing. "I thought I was the only one." He reciprocated before glancing at her fingers on his arms before gulping to himself.

The nurse was about to walk out of the ward when Y/N called. "Excuse me?" She approached and that's when she pushed the trolley towards the policewoman, sprinting out of the room bumping into everyone. "TAKE CARE OF SOOAH!" Shouted her to Yedam who's still blinking his eyelid.

Y/N ran catching her pace with her voice echoed the whole hospital to make way. She grabbed the nurse by her hair making they both stopped. The girl suddenly slapped her face with her long nails resulting a long scar on her cheek as she continue to run away.

The policewoman was stunned to the the same tattoo symbol on her wrist before she spits the blood out from her inner cheek. The slap was quite hard though. She didn't hesitate to let out her gun and shoot on the nurse's leg, she slumped down and fall flat on her stomach while wincing in pain to get up.

Y/N kicked behind her knees as she fall once again, she placed the handcuffs around her wrist before forcing her to stand up. "Playing victim last few nights huh? Miss girl you got a lot damn explanation to do."

Yedam rushed to Sooah's side where the new IV drip were placed, he stopped the tube from flowing and looked at the girl who didn't even react. She looked at him before taking her hand out from the comforter with the IV needle between her fingers, meaning that the needle is not attached to the back of her hand.

"You knew?"

"Yeah. That nurse came in many time to check on me, plus peeking from the door. I knew there's something wrong from her action. Perhaps they want me to die since I knew some information." Sooah shrugged as if there's nothing bothering her, his gesture told her to go on.

"I was away at Singapore these few years because father told me to, that explains why I wasn't there during the funeral. Father said he wanted to quit but Smiley didn't agree." She looked at her fiddling fingers as her eyes gets teary.

Yedam nodded while taking notes of every single of her sentence. "Do you perhaps have any clues about the man who attacked you?" He raised an eyebrow. Sooah think for a while before widened her eyes looking at him. "A tattoo! He got a smiling face tattoo on his ankle."

"Don't worry, Sooah. We'll catch the culprit in meantime and you're fully under our custody, you're safe." He smiled before standing up to take his leave. "Thank you, you've helped us a lot." That's his last words before walking out of the door.

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