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You immediately burst into your apartment and locked it behind you, your sight is getting murky since your battery was on the peak of dying. You went inside your room to get yourself the charger before connecting it with the charging pod behind your neck. A sigh of relief escaped your lips.

The charging wire was right beside your bed making you lay down on your side. Your mind started to playing tricks on what's happening when a call from your phone interrupted you. You get your phone on the night stand and saw Mr.Hong's contact on the screen.

"Hello?" You answered before receiving chuckles from the other line. "Y/N! How was your first day?" He asked as you told him everything that happened that day. It make yourself looks like you're someone who must report your daily life everyday, sounds a bit creepy.

By the end of the call, you feel your eyes getting heavy before it slowly shut off, drifting you to a completely dark dimension.

The next day, you woke up exactly on 8am. You disconnect the wire to your charging pod as you felt a lot better and less tired than last night. You change your clothes before you went out of your apartment to Treasure's which is only beside yours. You knocked the door quite few times but no one reciprocate.

Gently, your hands twisted the doorknob when you realized it was locked. You checked your surrounding before making your eyes scanned through the pad lock beside the door frame, continuous numbers rolling in your mind.


That's the number you got inside your head. Hastily, you insert the number as the door opened revealing a completely quiet house as if it was haunted. You called their names but still, all you got is silent.

Your steps were all you could hear over the house, you don't even know what makes you attracted to went inside. Your eyes nose around the house when a door caught your attention. A big 'NO ONE ENTERS THE ROOM' sign in front of it causing you to wonder why can't someone get inside.

Once again the door was locked.

You used a pin that you found out of no where to opened it as a dusty room came in your sight. You bring your strides into the room before clicking the switch on by the wall on your side. Tall shelves with different colors of files stack on it, there's also a table with tons of scattered papers inside.

You rummage around the files, who knows you could find the file that Mr. Hong told you to get right? It was tough to deal with the dust and the dim light that barely lighten the room and finally, you found a file with an 'IMPORTANT' sticker attached on the front cover.

The first page had 'YG & HTJ AGREEMENT' written on the old looking paper makes your lips twitched upwards since you'd found what you've been told. "Y/N?" A voice called you behind as you hide the file back to its place in reflects before you turned to meet Mashiho's eyes.

You get out from the room and closed the door behind you and faced him. "What are you doing here?" He questioned with his arms folding on his chest looking at you who was suspicious to him. "Daehan told me to check on you guys." You answered.

It took you a minute to realize that Mashiho was actually topless, he was only wearing a grey sweatpants. "Put on a shirt." You tilted your head to the side as he scoffed. "My house, my rules." He rolled his eyes to you before went to the kitchen. "Where are the others?" You asked following him.

"Probably still sleeping since you beat us hard last night." He looked at you with a boring expression. Now, he had his back facing you as he took an empty glass to get some drink from the refrigerator. You observed him before you noticed a purple-ish bruised on his back. Is it because you kick him hard last night?

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