❝𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊❞ - asahi

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a girl named y/n walked into a cafe as the workers greeted her. she smiled in respond and proceed herself to the locker room. she changed her outfit to the cafe's worker clothes. after that she went straightly to her work place which is the barista.

"eonnie, you can rest now. i will take care from here." she said while tapping the elder's back. the elder turned to her. "oh! you're here." y/n nodded as she started her job to make the drinks.

being an 18 year old girl was not easy for her. she was an orphan. her parents died due to a car crash. now that she reached the age where she have to left the orphanage, she need to earn money to continue living.

she enjoy making drinks for the customers. she likes to work there since the owner and the workers were friendly.

a cold guy with all black clothes and a bucket hat with hands in his pocket walked into the cafe making the bell ring.

he gained the attention of the cafe because of his looks. he pulled down his hat a little making only his small nose and lips could be seen.

"look at him! he's so good looking!"

"he's so cute!"

"i wish we had him as our classmate then i wouldn't miss any class!"

whispers and murmurs could be heard making obvious that they were talking about him.

asahi just shrugged it off since he used to the surroundings where people talked about his looks.

arriving at the counter, he looked up to the menu board that was above his head. the cashier stared at him disbelief. how could someone be that good looking?

"i will have some green tea frappe." he said holding out the money.

"your total is XX, thank you." the cashier handed him his change and he looked around to find a seat.

there was only one seat left and that was facing the barista counter. his eyes fell onto a girl who was making his drink. the girl was focusing on her task and finalized the drink with a lid. a smile appeared on her lips as she finally done with a drink.

y/n turned her eyes and that was when their eyes met. she quickly broke it as asahi did the same. he cleared his throat scrolling on his phone.

y/n washed her hands after making the last customer's order. she went into the locker room to take a break. she sighed while massaging her shoulder that was feeling sore due to too much arm works.

"y/n, don't you think the guy in all black was so handsome?" the cashier that took asahi's order earlier said.

she just shrugged her shoulder. "i think i saw him staring at you." her other friend said as they tease her.

"what? no." she awkwardly said. why would a guy stare at her? "you know, sometimes i wonder. how would such a pretty girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend?" her friend asked again as the others agreed. y/n just smiled at her friends not knowing what to reply.

at the same night, y/n checked the cafe for the last time before closing the door locking it. she plugged in her earphone and play some songs.

she was humming along the songs as she walking back home. the night was so peaceful until she heard groans and people swearing in the dark alley.

she decided to just ignore it and took her steps faster. suddenly, a guy stopped in front of her panting hard with bruises on his face. she gasped.

"are you-" she didn't even finish her words since the guy took her wrist and sprint.

the both of them run into another dark and small alley. the guy trapped her between both of his arms. both of them were catching their breaths.

"what are you-" they guy cupped her mouth stopping her from talking. their face was so close that she could feel his breath brushing through her skin. her eyes met his and realized it was the guy earlier in the cafe.

soon enough a group of people running could be heard.

gunshots were released making y/n froze herself. at this point, asahi grabbed her waist pulling her closer to him. thankfully they cant be seen since they were hiding in a dark alley.

"that bastard! you guys go the left and the others go with me to the right!" they heard a guy commanded slowly hearing the foot steps disappear. they sighed in relief.

asahi checked the surrounding to make sure they were safe. after confirming he pulled her out.

"i shouldn't go out without telling the others.." he muttered with one hand messing with his hair as the other one placed on his waist.

he stopped his action and looked at y/n who was staring at him. "what are you looking at?" he said. "a lady shouldn't be out here in this hour. what are you doing this late night?" he asked her.

"i-i just went home f-from work." stuttered words escaped from her mouth as she was still shock by what just happened. her reactions made asahi chuckled. "lets get you home." he said pulling her by the wrist.

"i'm asahi by the way." he said looking at her. "h-huh?" that was all y/n can answer. "you must be shocked a lot right." once again he chuckled.

"why are they chasing you?" she finally asked the question. "i don't know if i could tell you this but normal goons like you wouldn't understand." asahi said. "i'm doing dangerous work like you can never imagine."

"like mafia? where they deal the drugs and sell them to get more money. or just simply kill people with guns?" she answered turning to asahi who just simply nodded.

"woah! i have been reading mafia stories lately! how does it feels to be a mafia?" y/n asked him excitedly. somehow he find her reaction was so cute.

"we get chased a lot especially by our enemies. you see my group is from a big three company. people wanted to steal our projects and money." he explained as y/n nodded in respond.

finally, they arrived at her home. "thank you for walking me back home tonight." she said as she faced him. he suddenly pulled her by the waist.

"i think i'm interested with you y/n." he said with a cocky smile. she smiled before replies,

"i guess falling for a dangerous man could be more interesting."

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