❝𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓❞ - jihoon

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y/n sat on the floor while panting hard. she took her water and gulped it in one go. few seconds she stood up and walked towards the computer to start the music again.

a hand stopped her from pushing the button. "y/n stop! you are overworking yourself." her manager said with a big frown.

she pushed the hands away shaking her head. "i need to practice more. i need to show the main producer that i will pass the monthly assessment tomorrow." she tightened her hair tie before starting to dance again.

her manager just watched her go and start to dance again. y/n already looked pale because she skipped meals and didnt even rest long. she really want to do well for tomorrow.

"y/n you are going to hurt yourself!"

as soon as her manager said that, y/n lost her balance and missed her step caused that she fell onto the floor hard.

the manager rushed towards her. "yah are you okay?" she asked. y/n cried in pain while holding onto her ankle.


"try to not move around a lot because your ankle is totally broken. you cant dance in months because it needs to heal perfectly. please go to the hospital if you feel any unbearable pain." the medic said before packing up and walked out from the practice room.

in front of her was stood by her manager and yang hyunsuk. y/n didnt dare to raise her head because she have been crying silently. feeling that she had disappoint the main producer.

"y/nnie why didnt you listen to your manager?" yang hyunsuk asked. she sniffed. "i just want to do my best for tomorrow.." she answered.

"and then hurt yourself?" he said. y/n didnt answer him because words cant go out from her mouth. yang hyunsuk sighed. "dont worry y/n, you wont get out from here. you are going to have your monthly assessment by sending me videos until your ankle healed. take care of yourself after this." he patted her shoulder before going out.

"call jihoon, she needs him right now. i know y/n because she joined this company almost the same as yedam." he whispered to the manager.

y/n stared at her bandaged ankle with rage feeling. she know that she should have listened to her manager instead of letting her ego control her.

few minutes later she heard the door opened and greeted by his perfume. she saw that jihoon took a chair and sat in front of her.

jihoon stared at his girlfriend's statement with sad feelings. he hates it whenever y/n got hurt and he almost have a heart attack when he heard y/n got her ankle broken.

even all of the treasure members got shock that yg's favorite trainee got injured badly. jihoon quickly walked towards the room after got called by y/n's manager.

"hey jagi.." he called while tucking the strands of hair behind her ears. y/n finally raised her head looking into her boyfriend's eyes. suddenly feeling the pain from her ankle, her faced scrunched in pain and tears falling down to her cheeks.

"it hurts.." she cried as jihoon pulled her into a hug. "my baby..." jihoon tried to calm her down by rubbing her back.

he waited for y/n to calm down before asking her questions on what happened. y/n pulled away from the hug while wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie while the other hand was hold by jihoon.

jihoon pecked her cheeks wiping away the remaining tears. "stop crying jagi. your beautiful face doesnt deserve to stained by tears." he said making y/n laughed a bit. he smiled at her.

"i didnt listen to manager's words." she said looking down to her lap. "y/nnie what i said when talking to people?" jihoon said sternly. "look at people's eyes when talking, its manners." she answered looking at him.

jihoon gestured her to continue. she sighed. "she tried to stop me because i have been practice since morning until before i broke my ankle. she said that i already look so pale." she sniffed. "she warned me but i ignored her. i lost my balance and fell down breaking my ankle."

jihoon furrowed his brows. "dont tell me you didnt eat anything except for breakfast that we had together in the cafeteria." guilt filled up in y/n because she told jihoon that she had her lunch and dinner with her manager.

"y/n." he called her out. y/n burst into tears again. "i'm so sorry... i'm to serious to pass the monthly assessment making me forgot to eat." she said trying not to choke on her tears.

jihoon looked up to the ceiling quite disappointed that his girlfriend didnt take care of herself. "dont be like this next time okay? health is more important." he said.

y/n nodded. he only stared at his girlfriend before grabbing both of her hand into his.

"you did very well. you know that?" he brought her knuckles to his lips.

y/n got shy and hide her face in his neck making jihoon giggled.

"lets go home after this and i will take care of you until you are fully healed, okay?" he caressed her hair. "okay." y/n answered in muffled.

"thank you jihoon-ah." y/n said. jihoon kissed hair head.

"anything for you jagi."

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