❝𝐂𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐆❞- haruto

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In a big building somewhere in Seoul, a scientist was checking every single details of the cyborg that he just complete after months getting himself busy with it. He wrote some quick notes on the paper that was clipped on the clipboard while he observed the cyborg one more time.

Beside him was another intelligent scientist that worked with him to make the product. "Everything is good. The skin was made with human skin so that it will look more realistic." Professor Yang said to Professor Ko.

"This cyborg is the one and only cyborg that had special functions. It's really hard to make a duplicate of it." Ko said to Yang as he nodded. "The steel we use to create the body is expensive too but it is as strong as an elephant." Yang added.

"What should we name it?" Ko turned to Yang who puts one of his hand under his chin. "It's a girl actually."

"Let's name it Y/N." The two then shook hands, agreeing to sold the product as it was their last checked up before they send it to the one who bought Y/N with the amount more than 1 trillion.

The new cyborg had just arrived inside the office of her new owner. Someone opened the box that she was locked in as the person carried her out of the box. She was still standing straight, eyes closed just like how robots will do when they were shut off.

"Should we turn her on sir?" A man asked before the boss nodded. At the back of Y/N's shoulder, there's a button switch for on off and a charging USB port.

Y/N's eyes slowly opened up, her eyes went from silver to a normal black one before she stared at the two unfamiliar faces. Unknowingly, she raised an eyebrow. "Hello?" The boss or Hong Taejin said as his bodyguard stood beside him ready to grabbed his gun out in case the cyborg acted up.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hong." Y/N bowed like how a person does, her action was completely like a human. You'll never thought that she's a cyborg if you were a stranger.

The cyborg paced around the office before she casually sat on the sofa opposite her owner. Her eyes showed up a green light as it scanned through her owner's face. Inside her head, the information of Mr. Hong was displayed. From his full name to the information of the company that he was holding currently, not even one data had missed from Y/N's head.

"So Y/N. You knew the reason we spend money to bring you here right?" Mr. Hong started as Y/N nodded. "I'm here to serve for you. You're my owner, I'll do whatever you say." She reciprocated.

A hologram plopped up in front of her, revealing another tall building that had YG ENT labeled on. Her owner swiped his finger to the right as the screen changed, this time a picture with 12 boys in it shows up.

"They're called Treasure. A mafia group that was under YG. They've stolen something that belongs to ours and your mission is to get it back." Y/N examined the members one by one as their information appeared in her head. "Do I need to kill them?" She questioned as the two man widened their eyes.

"W-We just need the file back. Killing them is not necessary." The shivery tone from the bodyguard makes Y/N wonder why is it so, too bad that reading people's mind wasn't one of her special asset. "Three months." Mr. Hong held up three of his fingers to Y/N.

"Or you will considered as fail, and we have to execute you." He pointed out before Y/N jolted up as she bowed 90 degrees in front of him with a smirk on her face.

"I wont disappoint you, sir."


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