❝𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄❞ - junghwan

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y/n was chilling in her dorm living room while watching Treasure's music videos. she felt herself smiling whenever she watch the videos, basically eyes on one particular person.

"our maknae y/n is watching her crush again!" her leader, sooah and her other members, areum and yuri teased her. y/n who eventually blushing mad quickly shut her phone off and threw a pillow towards her members.

"taerin unnie! look at them teasing me again!" y/n quickly went to her taerin's side and complain about the three of them, again. its already became her routine to run at taerin whenever the maknae got teased.

taerin chuckled while ruffling y/n's hair. "come on y/n. you cant deny your feelings on junghwan already." taerin said towards the girl.

y/n, who was the maknae of a girl group consist of 5 members. han sooah the leader, followed by jung yuri, jeon areum and kim taerin. they are in a girl group named Diamonds that debuted from YG entertainment few months after Treasure.

sooah then took a seat in front of y/n on the floor. "why don't you give a shot y/n? on junghwan." she asked. "there is no way he likes me back unnie. besides, we just debuted few months after Treasure. we are still tied to the dating ban." y/n huffed.

meanwhile on the other side, junghwan faced the same problem.

"junghwan and y/n kissing under the tree~" junkyu and jeongwoo teased their maknae. junghwan couldn't deny his feelings anymore since he already told his members about his true feelings on his junior.

"hey maknae, do you want me to help you confess to y/n?" doyoung suddenly sat beside him and pat his shoulder. "how hyung?" junghwan asked.

doyoung smirked and leaned towards his ear whispering the plan making junghwan's eyes lit up.

"that simple?" he asked doyoung. "hey, girls like y/n like simple things. even if its only a drink."

on the next day, y/n wear her yellow chick colored uniform and a pair of white sneaker, didn't forget to wear her mask on. today her leader was assigned to send her to school. "guys i will be back!" she yelled across the dorm.

the both of them proceed themselves to a small cafe to have a breakfast. both of the girls were having toast but y/n ordered an extra. "an extra? i thought you are on diet?" sooah asked taking a bite of her toast.

y/n looked down to her toast with a small smile. "its for junghwan..." she muttered. "looks like you want to do it yourself huh?" sooah's eyebrows moved up and down teasing her.

without wasting anymore time the both of them proceed to y/n's school, which is the same as junghwan's, Seoul Of Performing Arts. both of them took the arts in performance and they were at the same age.

just then a black van arrived in front of the school's gate revealing junghwan and jeongwoo stepping out from the vehicle. "i will leave you here y/n. see you later okay?" sooah hugged her. "focus on your study too."

without knowing, junghwan was waiting for y/n since he want to walk together with her. he also holding a cup of chocolate smoothie that was y/n's favorite. both of them were actually in the same class and desk mate. what a small world?

"morning y/n." junghwan greeted her as soon as she walked inside the gate. "junghwan!" she cheered and start to walk together. "here i bought you toast." she passed the plastic towards the boy. "you don't have too.. but here i bought you chocolate smoothie, your favorite right?"

"how do you know?" she asked taking a sip from the drink. junghwan shyly rubbed his nape. "well.. you told me before."

little did they didn't know, not only their members teased them but also the whole school and fans ship them together. they even got the title 'YG Powerful Maknae Couple'. both of them only can give their friends smiles, no words can say since it can cause rumors.

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