❝𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒❞ - asahi

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"Truth, or Dare?"

That was the sentence that escaped Jihoon's mouth when the bottle that he spin pointed at Y/N. They were at Y/N's apartment, hanging out after they got back from the university.

They decided to play the game after suggesting others activities that did not caught their interest. Asahi who sat quite far from them turned when he heard they asked her.

Abruptly he made eye contact with Y/N who was already started to feel sweats between her palms. He shifted his eyes towards his other friends before clearing his throat.

Jihoon who sits on her left side nudge her while he leaned closer. "You are being obvious Y/N-ah. Just admit you liked him." He whispered causing her to widen her eyes.

How can he knew?

Dont you just ever feel like your heart wanted to burst everytime he was around you? Feeling butterflies churning inside your stomach even when a little things like your hands brushed against him?

Thats what Y/N feels right now. She likes Asahi. And she confirmed her feelings. Ever since she started to hang out with them, she couldnt help but to steal glances at him. Although he was a cold shoulder person, it never stop Y/N to gain feelings.

Blush started to crept on her cheeks while she try hard to cover it. "Dare. Since you guys are no fun." She then noticed Junkyu who turned to Jihoon with a smug on their face.

Asahi had his arms crossed before he leaned over. Unsatisfied with the answer she gave, he jolted up his body from the sofa and went to them who was sitting on floor with the bottle on the center of the circle.

"Asahi you want to join?" Mashiho asked when he noticed his friend walked towards them. Asahi shrugged as an answer before taking a sit beside Y/N where the only space are available. She had her head down when she feels their shoulder brushed onto each other.

"I dare you, to kiss Asahi on his lips for 10 seconds."

Words couldnt describe how shocked she is for that request. She snapped her head towards Junkyu with a frown on her face. "What? I-its not suppose to be like this!" She denied.

"Why? You are the one who chose dare right? Come on Y/N, you said we are no fun since we always choose truth!" Mashiho mocked her.

"I-i'm fine with it but i dont know if he-"

"Let's just do it. 10 seconds is not that long."

Y/N turned to Asahi who was already awkwardly looked around the room while his hands rubbed the back of his nape. "Its just a game. We didnt need to do it for real."

By the time she finished her sentence, a soft lips landed on hers while his hands cupped both of her cheeks. She was petrified when she saw Asahi who already had his eyes closed before he slowly started to nibble her lower lips.

"7 seconds left."

Y/N tried to ignore the sound of her thumping heart. Asahi was too close, too close that she afraid he might hear her heart that beats rapidly for him.

Y/N didnt know what to do until Asahi stopped. "Kiss me back." He said before leaning in again, his thumb carressing her cheek. Their lips were connected again but this time with her responding to the kiss.

"Alright! The time ended."

They pulled away but their forehead still connected to each other, gasping for air. Asahi didnt know where did the guts in him started to build up, he placed another peck on her lips.

By the time they realize everything, the three goons were already hold onto each other screaming their lungs out fanboying on the couples.

They knew the two feeling's were mutual. But they both was a coward to confess first. Asahi's crush on Y/N started to get presentable when he got mad after seeing her with other boys. He actually acted sulky all day.

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