❝𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄❞ - jaehyuk

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"okay lets take a break!" y/n shouted at her team who was having cheer practice for the upcoming soccer match for their school.

"hey y/n, jaehyuk was busy watching you just now." her friends nudged her side making her turned to the soccer field that was across them.

yoon jaehyuk, one of the most wanted boy in the school. he was apart of the soccer team who always got all the girl's attention in the field.

while y/n, the famous pretty girl who secretly dating the boy.

both of them decided not to tell the school about their relationship since they want to keep it low. well, the students know that jaehyuk has a girlfriend but they didnt know who it was.

y/n saw him waving at her while sending her flying kisses when the boys were not watching. she just shake her head and sat on the grass under the shade of a big tree.

"did you see him? he was sending you kisses!" her friend shook her arm fangirling. y/n pushed her off. "what are you talking about? he might sending it to the other girls." she said pointing at her team mates who was busy watching the boys over a fence.

"nonsense y/n! i think both of you are secretly dating behind our backs. i saw you holding hands in the library yesterday." her friend said. "w-who said? i was just checking his hands because they were bleeding! yeah b-bleeding.." y/n said trying not to stuttered.

y/n quickly stood up leaving her friend talking to herself and called the girls to comeback for practice. "come on girls break is over!" she shouted making the girls groaned.

half an hour later they finally finished their last practice before performing in front of the students tomorrow in their school field.

"y/n i'm going first." her friend said to y/n who was busy packing her bag. "yeah you can go first." it was her routine everyday waiting for the team to leave her alone while waiting for jaehyuk.

she then saw jaehyuk walking towards her with a towel around his neck with a big smile on his face. "lets go." he hold her hand and they walked out from the field.

"how much longer do we have to secretly dating?" y/n broke the silence as they walked towards their cars. "i'm fine if you want to tell the whole school. its good that everyone knows that you are mine." jaehyuk said pulling her closer by waist.

they reached their car and bid each other good bye. "wait y/n." jaehyuk said taking out a fabric from his bag. "i want you to wear this after your cheer performance. i dont want any guy to look at you."

y/n rolled her eyes. "okay then. i can finally show the girls that you are mine. its so annoying that they keep talking about you in front of me."

jaehyuk leaned and peck her lips. "bye jagi. see you tomorrow." he said before walking towards his car. "bye!" y/n said and drove out from the school.

on the next day, the school's stadium was full with students who was cheering for their team. which y/n's school will be competing with hanlim high school.

both of the soccer team stood beside the field while watching the cheer team showing their performance. jaehyuk only have her eyes on y/n the whole time.

suddenly he was nudged by the person beside his left. "yah is that girl the cheer team captain?" the boy from his rival team asked him. jaehyuk nodded. "yeah she is the captain. why?"

the boy chuckled. "is she single? i might hit her up after this." he said while smirking scanning y/n up and down.

jaehyuk was clenching his fist while glaring at the boy. "she has a boyfriend, if you please." he said making the boy turned to him. "really? i can make her leave her boyfriend and come to me."

jaehyuk was about to swing his fist but his friend, jihoon stopped him before he can. "control yourself jaehyuk. we might be disqualified if you land your hand on his face." he whispered into his ears.

the performance ended and its time for them to play on the field.

y/n rushed towards the changing room and put on the jersey that jaehyuk gave yesterday. she tied up her hair so that people can see the name that was proudly printed on the back.

y/n then walked out from the room with a big smile towards the side of the field. the cheer team was allowed to be at the side of the field to cheer their soccer team.

girls gasped as soon as y/n walked towards the field with jaehyuk's name shining on the back of the jersey that she was wearing.

her team ran towards her and hugged her. "YOU ARE YOON JAEHYUK'S GIRLFRIEND?!" they all yelled in happiness.

"now go cheer your boyfriend!" one of her team pushed her forward.

"YOON JAEHYUK YOU CAN DO IT!" she screamed on top her lungs.

jaehyuk turned to the side watching his girlfriend jumping up and down cheering for him. he dribbled the ball and ran towards the goalpost scoring a goal.


the students roared filling up the stadium. 45 minutes was up and they were walking out the field to take a 15 minutes break before continuing another 45 minutes.

y/n was walking towards the soccer team's room with an energy drink in her hand. on her way she was stopped by a boy.

she tried to walked past him but he blocked her again. "excuse me? i need to past here." she said trying not to be rude.

"you are the cheer captain right? hi i'm kim doyoung from hanlim high school." he lend out his hand waiting for her to shake. y/n just stared at him. "well i'm not interested so get out of my way." she pushed him to the side and continue her way to the room.

doyoung watched her go by and saw the name of the jersey. he squinted his eyes. "jaehyuk? is that her boyfriend?" he muttered.

he turned around and saw jaehyuk standing in front of him. he smirked. "she is quite feisty. just my type." doyoung said pointing at her direction.

"i told you she has a boyfriend." jaehyuk said. "stop hit her up or i will punch your pretty face." he said bumping doyoung's shoulder hard and walked away.

doyoung saw the name of his jersey and gulped. "he i-is jaehyuk?"

soon enough its already the last seconds of the game.


y/n ran towards the field after they took photos with the trophy. she didnt even care that she was hugging a sweaty jaehyuk.

"congrats!" she said kissing his cheeks.

"everyone knows that we are on relationship." jaehyuk said. she pulled away from the hug. "really how?" jaehyuk pointed at the big screen which they appeared on it.

"i love you. you are mine." jaehyuk said kissing her cheeks.

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