❝𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓❞ - doyoung

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"both of them confirmed their 2 years relationship yesterday with the main producer. we wish nothing but happiness for this the couple." - YG Entertainment.

news spread faster than it thought. y/n and doyoung went to the same school together as usual but y/n was not feeling herself that day.

she have been receiving both positive and negative comments about their relationship. she couldnt help but let the negative comments stay in her memories.

"arent you happy that we got public? a lot of fans support us!" doyoung said happily while walking together towards their school.

y/n nodded. "yeah.. many fans support.." she mumbled. doyoung noticed his girlfriend's sulken mood early in the morning but decided not to ask. he thought that she didnt get enough of sleep because of late night practice.

y/n feel the stares and glares from both female and male students. male students were jealous at doyoung who got the heart of the popular and gorgeous girl of the school, while the girls send their glare of hatred to y/n because some of them said that she stole their doyoung from them.

y/n stopped her tracks making doyoung turned to her. "you go first doyoung-ah." she gave him a small smile. "no lets go in together." he whined.

"doyoung-ah, i just need to go to the toilet. see you in class." she quickly gave him a peck on the cheeks and ran off.

after doing her business, y/n was greeted by a group of girls standing outside the toilet with arm crossed on their chest. 

"sorry i need to--" she was cut off by the girl in front of her. "break up with doyoung oppa." she said. "who are you?" y/n said gritting her teeth.

"you dont even deserve to be with him. you are just a trainee and you will ruin his idol career if he got a girlfriend." the girl spat. the words went into her heart, what if the girl was right?

"i deserve better to be his girlfriend than you. you are not even pretty. i dont even know why you got called as the popular and gorgeous girl." the girl laughed with her minions.

y/n grabbed the girl's collar making her shock by y/n's action. "listen to me you fool." she tightened the grip on the collar making the girl almost choke. "if you think you deserve better to be his girlfriend, then why he choose me instead of you. never ever show your face at me after this." she pushed the girl away.

y/n walked away with tears in her eyes as she heard people bashing her all the way in the corridor that was belong towards her class. she couldnt help but listen to what they are talking about. 

people said that she dated doyoung just for extra fame, doyoung only using her as a stress reliever and a lot more of hates.

y/n went into the class and sat by her seat that was right beside doyoung. doyoung had his smile plastered on his lips because his friends congratulated him.

"hey y/n what takes you so long in the toilet?" he turned to her but the smile turned into frown when he saw red eyes of his girlfriend. "yah did you cry?" he grabbed her arms gently.

y/n shook her head. "no just some dust when inside my eyes." she said fanning down her eyes.

doyoung's brows furrowed and definitely smelled something might happened to her when she was in the toilet.


doyoung was waiting for y/n to buy her lunch at a table. he was scrolling down his phone until a group of girl stand beside the table.

"doyoung oppa.." the girl called him. "yes? what do you need?" he asked quite uncomfortable. his eyes scanned the canteen searching for y/n.

"you should break up with y/n. she doesnt deserve you." one girl said. "sorry?" doyoung was quite shocked at the girl's statement.

"yeah! she just a distraction to you and a attention seeker too." 

that made doyoung scoffed and glared at the girls. his attention got caught by y/n who turned away from the table with tears running down her cheeks. 

"first of all, i have my reasons why i choose y/n than any other girls." he said standing up. "now i know who commented on her recent posts with hate comments. just wait for the actions that we will take." he warned the girls who was started to shake.

he saw the hate comments on y/n after the statement of their relationships. now he knows why y/n have been down since morning and cried when she entered the class.

he ran to the rooftop where y/n will be if she was sad or stressed. he slowly opened the door and saw her leaning on the rail while staring at the top view.

doyoung wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder back hugging her. 

"i saw the comments and i know why you cried today."

y/n's breath hitched and she cant control her tears anymore. 

"they called me attention seeker. they said that i'm a just a distraction that can ruin your idol career because you just got debut." she said sniffing. "i couldnt help but taking their words into my heart.

"then are you going to give up on us?" doyoung asked. y/n sighed and turned her body to face doyoung. she stared into his eyes who she have been in love since the day they met.

"no. i'm not giving up on us. if i do, whats the point of being in a relationship with you for 2 years and showing that i'm a weak person." she said.

"do you want to know why i choose to be in love with you?" doyoung said making y/n hummed in answer.

"first of all, you are kind. you always helped the other trainees when they needed help, i never saw you being selfish. secondly, i'm in love with you because you never give up. you never give up when the main producer give you some bad feedbacks because you know that it was good for yourself so that you can improve more on yourself. and lastly," he give a kiss on her forehead.

"i'm in love with what you are. please dont listen to what they say about you okay? lets be strong together." he said making y/n pull him into hug.

"thank you doyoung-ah." y/n mumbled in his chest. he smiled while rubbing her back.


11:39pm, YG entertainment practice room

y/n was into her practice until she didnt realized that doyoung was at the door watching her dancing off.

the music stopped making y/n laid herself on the floor trying to catch her breath. her eyes diverted on the mirror to person who was standing on the door with a big smile. she smiled back.

"i thought you have practice?" y/n asked him as soon as he sat down beside her. 

"we are on our break so i decided to pay you a visit. i have some good news." he shoved his phone to y/n face making her eyes widened at the article.

YG ENTERTAINMENT RESPONDS ON MALICIOUS COMMENT AND WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTIONS"i received a lot reports about malicious comment on our trainee kim y/n. we will take legal actions on those who harmed her in school. we will take actions to protect our idols and trainees." - YG Entertainment.

y/n sat up and turned her body towards doyoung.

"i saw the hate comments on your recent posts. i took a screenshot and send it to manager so he was the one who took care of it." doyoung said.

"doyoung-ah you dont have to do this." she said grabbing his hands. doyoung caressed her cheek and smiled. "i'm doing this for both of us, also for the idols and trainees in this entertainment." 

that night, y/n and doyoung received a lot of positives comments with apologizes and they sleep with smiles.

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