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  I woke up at 6 am to my alarm clock blaring. It was the first day of my senior year. I was ready, I've been waiting my entire life for this year to be over so I could go to college. I've planned everything, and now I was one step closer to actually complete my goal of getting into UCLA.

"Lily are you up?" Max, my 15 year old brother yelled from the other side of my door.

"Yea I'm up." I groaned and rolled out of bed to take a shower.

"Hurry up moms making breakfast." He said and ran downstairs.

I groggily went across the hall to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I blow dried my hair and headed downstairs to eat breakfast after I finished getting ready.

"Are you ready for your last year of high school?" My mom asked and handed me a plate of waffles with strawberries on top.

"I've been ready forever." I said with a breath and took a bite.

"Well Max is ready to be a sophomore in high school, apparently he thinks Brooke will go out with him now." She said and started doing some dishes.

"She's not going to, he's delusional." I said with a laugh. Brooke was my best friend, has been since we were kids. And Max has had a crush on her basically since the beginning. I mean I didn't blame him at all, she was gorgeous. She had blonde hair, green eyes, perfect facial features, if I was a guy I'd probably have a crush on her too.

"That's what I told him, but he's determined." She said and shook her head slightly.

"He's determined to get his heartbroken. Because that's what's gonna happen if he keeps chasing after her like a dog chasing a squirrel." I said making her laugh a little.

"Maybe the girls in his grade just aren't mature enough for him." She said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh definitely not, have you seen them? They still look like fourth graders, and they act like them." I said with a scoff.

"Well at least he likes older woman rather than younger woman, that could be a problem." She said which made me cackle.

"That's true." I said and gave her my dishes and grabbed a glass and filled it with orange juice.

"Brooke is lovely though, maybe they'll end up together who knows?" She said making me give her a weird look.

"Brooke has better taste." I said and gave her my glass.

"I heard that entire conversation. It's gonna happen just you wait Lily." He yelled as he entered the kitchen.

"Alright lover boy let's go or we'll be late." I said and ruffled his dark brown hair and grabbed my bag from the table.

"Bye kids have fun at school, I love you." My mom said and kissed our foreheads.

"Love you too bye." We said and headed out the door.

"I'm gonna marry her, just you wait." He said firmly once he got in the passenger seat of my car.

"And what's your plan for that? I'd love to hear it." I said with an amused look on my face.

"Well first I have to finish puberty which should happen soon because my voice is getting deeper, so that's progress. Then I'm going to mature more mentally and show her that I am not only boyfriend material but husband material. She'll fall in love with me just you wait." He said confidently and I just pursed my lips so he wouldn't see me on the verge of cracking up.

"She usually doesn't go for younger boys you know. But I will say that you are very mature and grown up for your age so that's one thing that you've got." I said and focused on the road.

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