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"Uh Max told me you and Hemmings like each other. Why the fuck did you not tell me or anyone else this extremely valuable information." Brooke said as she caught me in the hall just before Elle came up to us too.

"What's happening?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Her and Hemmings like each other." Brooke said with an amazed look on her face and pointed her thumb towards me.

"You what!" Elle said, screamed actually. Which attracted a lot of looks from our peers.

"Elle shut up, and no I don't like him he's just delusional." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Dude he told me everything, you're the delusional one." She said firmly.

"Whats everything? Why don't we know anything?" Elle panicked which would've made me laugh if I wasn't the topic of conversation.

"We'll talk about this at lunch." Brooke said before we had to go to class.

"Wait I might be late, Luke's taking me to lunch fourth period and I don't know how long it'll take." I said before she completely walked off earning a look that told me she was extremely shocked and was probably thinking she was in an alternate universe.

"What is going on?" Elle asked and looked as if her head was spinning.

"Nothing, I'll see you later." I said and walked off to class.

  During class I got a text from Luke, telling me to meet him by the wall after third period so he could drive me to lunch. I didn't even know where we were going but honestly all the places around here were nice so I wouldn't care.

  When third period finally ended I got all my stuff together and headed outside to the wall, where I saw Luke standing there on his phone looking handsome as ever.

"Hey Luke." I said as I walked closer to him, making him look up at me and smile as he put his phone in his pocket.

"Hey Lily." He said with a smile and adjusted his bag which was hanging on one shoulder. "Are you ready?" He asked and tilted his head towards the parking lot.

"Yea. Do you have any idea where we're going?" I asked as we walked closer to his car.

"Well, this lunch is for you so that means you get to pick. Plus I've only really went out to eat a few times and it was at the same place every time because Michael's obsessed with pizza." He said making me chuckle a bit.

"We can go anywhere, I'm not really picky." I said and shrugged my shoulders as we got in his car.

"Well you know this place better than I do, and this is my treat to you so tell me where to go." He said and started the car.

  I directed him to a small little place about 15 minutes from the school. Me and the girls would come here all the time on the weekends just to meet up for lunch or something. It was probably one of our favorite places here.

  The second we sat down conversation struck immediately. It's like we could talk about anything really and not get bored or awkward with each other. He told me about his life in Sydney, and how he missed it a lot. He told me about his family, his brothers, parents, everyone. He told me about all his friends and all the parties they went to and all the fun they had. He was like an open book, and that's one of my favorite qualities in a person.

  I could tell that he was happy to talk about his life and even some of the bad things that have happened to him, like an ex girlfriend or friends that are no longer his friends anymore. He was like a waterfall of information about his life, and it made it so much easier to be like that for him.

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