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  It was now Monday and we had to go back to school. New Year's Day was pretty much uneventful. Everyone was hungover and we were all feeling super lazy so we just watched movies on the couch for most of the day. But now we had to go back to school after a very long yet very quick vacation.

"Max why are you still sleeping?" I asked while I opened his bedroom door to see him passed out.

"Huh what?" He mumbled and shot his head up from the bed to look at me.

"We have school what are you doing?" I asked and watched his eyes widen.

"Ugh I forgot to set my damn alarm." He groaned and stood up to get dressed while so went downstairs to eat something. Luckily for me I didn't have to drive him to school anymore so I wouldn't be late today.

After my first couple classes I was walking down the hallway towards my next class. I saw Michael and Luke leaning against the lockers and I was going to go up to them but stopped in my tracks when I saw them looking oddly suspicious. Michael handed Luke a lot of money-or at least what looked like a lot of money-which was weird.

"Hey." I said to Luke after Michael had walked away. He jumped when he heard me and quickly turned around while putting the money in his front pocket and had a weird look on his face.

"Hey sweetheart." He said with a breath and out a smile on his face. He seemed really off and I was too curious to not push.

"You seem... weird." I said and gave him a look.

"Weird? I'm not acting weird." He said and pressed his lips together.

"What's wrong?" I asked and held my textbooks closer to me.

"Nothings wrong, you're gonna be late for class." He said and tried to get me to walk in the direction of my class but I stayed put. Normally I wouldn't push but something was telling me to because something was wrong with him and I could tell.

"I saw Michael give you money. What was that for?" I asked with a curious look on my face and watched his face turn pale and nervous.

"It was uh just for the um... the thing." He said nervously and stuttered almost every word.

"Luke what's wrong you're being super weird?" I said and leaned my shoulder against the locker next to him while he just slammed the back of his head against the lockers and let out a sigh.

"Okay okay fine but you need to listen to me." He said and put his hands on my shoulders which made me nervous.

"Okay?" I questioned and gave him a nervous look as he screwed his eyes shut.

"I love you Lily, I love you a lot. Just remember that while I tell you this alright?" He said and I nodded my head and swallowed nervously before he continued speaking. "When school started me and the boys made this sort of bet kind of thing." He said and bit down on his bottom lip.

"A bet? What kind of bet?" I asked and looked at him weirdly.

"They uh... they saw me looking at you at lunch the first week, and they told me all about you and how you're this good girl and stuff. They told me that liking you could potentially be bad for me because you've never liked anyone before and a whole bunch of other shit but I didn't care about any of that. I didn't want to I swear, I did not want to the entire time but they somehow roped me into this whole thing." He rambled quickly and I felt my heart sink into an abyss and it move quickly in my chest.

"You made a bet on me?" I let out a scoff and took a step back from him.

"Yes but no. I was never thinking of any of that stuff they wanted me to do when I was with you." He said quickly and took a step closer to me. The hallway was now empty luckily because I felt tears brim my eyes and I didn't want anyone to see that.

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