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By the time Friday evening rolled around I was a mess. I had no clue what to wear or what to do. I was a disaster plain and simple.

My room was a mess of clothes and my vanity was a mess of makeup because I had to keep redoing it. Every time I'd mess up my eyeliner I'd have to take it off and fix my concealer. And every time I messed up my mascara I'd have to fix both my eyeliner and concealer. After about thirty minutes of markup horror I finally perfected it to the best of my abilities and had to move on to my clothes.

I had no idea what to wear to this sort of thing. Do I dress fancy? Do I dress casual? A mixture of the two? How the hell do people do this kind of thing.

"What the hell happened in here?" My mom asked as she opened my bedroom door.

"I'm a mess." I said and slouched down on my bed.

"I can see that." She said and walked in my room and started picking up clothes.

"You've done this before, what do I wear?" I asked as I watched her clean up my room.

"Well I did this ages ago so the trends were a bit different then." She said and looked through my clothes as she folded them or hung them back up in my closet.

"Can you please help me? I'm drowning in anxiety, messy clothes, and a lot of self pity for not knowing how to do this crap." I whined which made her laugh.

"Well you always want to dress nice when you see your boyfriends parents. Not too nice but nice enough you know?" She asked and I nodded my head. "I would say a skirt and a nice shirt maybe. A dress would probably be too much since there isn't any sort of event but jeans or leggings would just show that you don't care to look presentable." She said and looked around my room for the perfect outfit.

"What about this? You look great in green." She said and handed me a skirt with a white long sleeve shirt.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I asked nervously and took the clothes from her hand.

"Yea I'm sure. Go change I'll get you some shoes." She said and pushed me off to the bathroom across the hall.

"Put these on. I'll go get the door." She said and handed me a pair of boots as she heard the doorbell ring which meant he was here.

As I left my room and headed downstairs I heard Luke talking to my parents. He had it easier, he knew my parents before we actually started dating so he was lucky and I'm mad about it.

"Hey beautiful." Luke said and kissed my cheek as I walked towards him.

"Hey." I said with a smile and pink cheeks.

"Alright Luke, have her home by 9:30. Not a second later you got it?" My dad said firmly.

"Yes sir." He said and laced our fingers together. "Are you ready?" He asked and looked down at me while I nodded my head in response.

"You don't need to be nervous Lily." He said as we started driving the very short drive to his house. I think he could tell that I was freaking out by how quiet I was being. I wasn't usually quiet with him and I had barely said a word since he walked through my front door.

"But I am." I deadpanned, making him laugh at me and grab my hand.

"My parents already love you and they haven't even met you yet. You'll be fine." He said and ran his thumb over my knuckles which sent shivers down my spine.

"How could they love someone they've never met before? I mean I could be completely different in person than what you've made me seem to be or what their mind wants-" I started but got cut off my Luke kissing me at a red light.

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