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"You what?" The girls screamed once I told them what happened last night with Luke. I'm sure the whole lunchroom heard, which made me nervous because I hated having attention on me but they didn't seem to care.

"Shhh jesus you'll have the whole cafeteria looking." I said and shushed them.

"You kissed Luke fucking Hemmings?" Savannah said with wide eyes and a voice too loud for my liking.

"Shut up oh my god I'm gonna kill you." I said and put my head in my hands.

"Was he a good kisser?" Brooke asked excitedly.

"Obviously if she's bright red talking about it. Also not to mention the fact that she actually admitting to liking someone." Elle said proudly which made me want to bury myself six feet under and die.

"Can we just not talk about this anymore?" I asked and looked up at them and saw Luke looking at me with a smile from across the lunchroom which only made my cheeks a darker shade of red. However I smiled back at him before I turned my attention back over to them.

"Not a fucking chance. You're telling us everything." Savannah said firmly.

"I already told you everything. I showed him around the city for hours and then he told me he liked me and then he kissed me and I said it back. Then I drove him back to the cafe so he could get his car and he kissed me again before we went home." I said so I didn't have to explain it a hundred times, because I'm sure Max will have me explain it even if they tell him.

"I can't believe you kissed Luke fucking Hemmings." Elle said in pure shock and surprise.

"I can't believe we were right. I mean I can but like it actually happened, she actually likes someone holy shit." Brooke said dramatically which made me roll my eyes at her.

"Yea yea this is revolutionary whatever. Can we be done now?" I asked and rolled my eyes at them.

"Why are you so quick to shut up about such a perfect human being?" Savannah said.

"Because you're making me uncomfortable and stressed out. Can we just act normal for once?" I asked and gave them a pleading look making them sigh and nod their heads.

"I have to go to my locker before class." I said a couple minutes before the bell would ring so I'd have enough time to go to my locker and get to class on time.

"Okay, try not to run into any hot blondes on your way there." Ella said loudly as I stood up.

"I'll try." I said with a laugh and walked out of the cafeteria.

When I got to my locker I put in my code and opened it trying to find my textbook for class that I'd probably end up needing. The halls were pretty much empty since people were either in lunch or in class so luckily no one would think I look weird for not finding my book.

"Hey Lil." I heard a voice say and I looked down the hall to see Luke walking towards me.

"Hey Luke." I said with a smile.

"What are you doing?" He asked and leaned against the locker next to me.

"I can't find my physics textbook." I said and continued looking for my book.

"Oh this?" He asked and took the book off the top shelf.

"Yes actually thank you. I don't even know how it got there if I'm being honest, I never put anything up there." I said and took the book from him and closed my locker before leaning against it and looking at him.

"You look pretty." He said softly and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, making my cheeks turn bright red and a smile spread across my face.

"Thank you." I said shyly and nervously because he made me so unbelievably nervous when he complimented me, I never knew what the hell I should say. I flicked my eyes from his to his lip and saw him playing with his lip ring before I looked up at his eyes again. He was so damn attractive that I wanted to look at every single part of him all the time. It usually left me with not knowing where to look half the time.

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