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I was in the middle of doing the laundry when suddenly I felt the weight of someone throwing themselves at me. I almost went tumbling down but it was the hand that wrapped around my arm pulling me right up that saved me.

I took off my earphones and was shocked to see that Seyeon was the one who just threw herself at me.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked me.

I blinked at him. "What are you two doing here?"

"We missed you," Seyeon said, grinning at me. God, she is bubbly as ever.

"Your voice," Jungkook murmured, releasing his hold on my arm. "You can really sing, noona."

I blushed at that.

"And it was to my song too," Seokjin said, proudly.

I glanced over and saw the rest of the members there behind him. Behind them was Jiyeon, Minseo and Miyoung. Maybe it was because it's been three months since I last saw them but the sight of them made tears filled my eyes.

"H-hi!" I greeted, blinking the tears away. "Why is everyone here?"

"Forget about that," Jungkook said as he slid an arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to him. "Tell me, noona. Do you want to be a singer?"


"No, not even a singer," Jungkook corrected himself. "Just feature in one of our songs."

"Huh? No—I can't," I said, laughing.

"Ah—hyung!" Jungkook scowled when Seokjin removed Jungkook's arm around me a little too roughly. With his eyes still on me, Jungkook continued on saying, "My mixtape!"

I grinned at him for being himself. Jungkook was honestly too nice. I know that for sure.

"He's right about your voice, Shortcake," Seokjin said, turning his eyes to me. "You can really sing."

I shook my head. "Not as good as you."

"Of course not," Seokjin smirked.

"Let's go eat," Yoongi called out. "I'm starving!"

So that's what we did. We all went out and ate together.

I slid my arm around Miyoung's shoulders as I walked beside her, "How are you doing, Miyoung?"

Miyoung offered me a small smile, "It could be better."

I dropped my gaze to her belly and slowly reached out, patting it gently, "Can't wait to meet you."

Miyoung's body shook with laughter and I glanced up to see how bright her eyes were. Like Jimin, when she smiles, she looks really good. I haven't seen her since I left the dorms but I could tell she hasn't been smiling a lot. I was worried about her.

"You should come over sometimes," I said to her, "I get lonely when Seokjin's out and about."

She shook her head, "It's hard to get out of the house with this one." She jerked her chin at Jimin who arched his eyebrows at her. In response to this, she put on her sweetest smile but I could tell it was a fake.

"Noona, you might want to hold her," Jimin said, turning his gaze to me. "Miyoung doesn't like to admit it but she's pretty clumsy."

Miyoung scoffed and rolled her eyes.

I immediately offered her my arm and relaxed when she took hold of it. Turning my head to Jimin, I grinned at him, "I got her!"

"I got her too!" I heard Seokjin said.

When I looked over at Miyoung, I saw that Seokjin had his arm around Miyoung's shoulders. In a big brother kind of way.

"Sorry," Miyoung mumbled beside me.

I knew why she was sorry but I just smiled at her to reassure her that it's not her fault. Like Seokjin said, we really should look after Miyoung because she's family. Being the only child, she must have been lonely growing up.

Good thing you stumbled into this family, Miyoung, I thought to myself as I saw Seyeon and Yoongi waving us to hurry up to the vans.

"Here for life," I murmured.

"Hm?" Miyoung looked at me.

Feeling Seokjin's eyes on me, I lifted my eyes to meet his warm gaze and he nodded. It was like he heard my thoughts. Maybe he did.

Seokjin proved this right when he kissed my forehead before ushering me into the van. As we got out of there, I couldn't help but reflect on how my life was before I met Seokjin and his members. I realised once again how lucky I am to be here with him.

For someone like Seokjin who can have anyone he wants, I'm lucky he chose me. I just hope he knows that I'm going to choose him over and over again for as long as I live. Why? Because he's worth it. And so am I. 

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