Chapter 29

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The house was cold when I got there, telling me that no one is at home. It made me wonder if I should have agreed to spend the night at Miyoung's place. Although we barely knew each other, I was somewhat glad that it was her who I bumped into and not the other girls. It felt nicer to be comforted by Miyoung than the others. I wonder if that's because I don't know her that well.

Legs drawn up to my chest, I lowered my head onto my knees, ignoring the sound of distant thundering as the rain pelted against my windows.

Sitting like this on the ground, I let myself remember my conversation with Seokjin earlier. I feel as though I'm the one who gets worked up all the time... like he just has on me like a puppet on a string. It made me wonder how long this will go on. How long is my heart going to make me suffer like this?

Being alone like this made me realised the importance of keeping my walls up. I built walls solely to protect myself from others. I thought that they would be enough but it turns out that these walls were not able to protect me. So, in the end, I had to learn how to fight. To defend myself. And to only rely on myself. That was how I survived.

Then he came into my life.

"The walls weren't strong enough," I whispered, miserably to myself, "That's how you got in."


It was too much. What he said and how much he'd hurt Yumi. He didn't like hurting her like he did because it hurt him too. He was sick of being the one who's the reason behind his parents' suffering. However, he knows that that's not the only case. He was also the one causing so much pain to Yumi too. The hurt in her eyes had been haunting him since he left.

Seokjin glanced up and sighed. Looks like it's going to pour soon. Really badly too.

"I have to go," Seokjin said, ignoring the members' eyes on him. "I'm not feeling too well."

As he left, he didn't see just how relieved the others looked when they saw their eldest hyung leaving, knowing that he's going to his wife.

"Yumi-ah," Seokjin said, knocking on her door. He'd spent the last ten minutes sitting in his car, trying to figure out how to approach this. He was the one at fault... though he can't help but blame it on Yumi too. If Yumi does hold the key to her father's secrets then Seokjin will be able to save them all.

No reply.

"I know you're awake," Seokjin said. He slid down, his back against the door to Yumi's room, muttering, "Stop being so stubborn."

Again, nothing.

Seokjin closed his eyes, "Don't tell me you've fainted."

When it was still quiet, Seokjin just sighed, dropping his head, "Why do you kids always lock yourself in your room like this?"

The anger he felt was no longer there. It could be because he knew how vulnerable Yumi is to the storm... or it could just because Seokjin's head is a little clearer now. Either way, he wants her to open her damn door.

If they were still the people they were after marriage, Seokjin would just break into her room without her permission but... that was different now.

When there was a flash of lightning followed by loud thundering, Seokjin heard Yumi made a noise inside her room.

Well, that's good. She didn't faint or something.

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