Chapter 28

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I stared into space, not wanting to think or feel anymore. He wanted me out of his sight and I couldn't even grant him that because... I have nowhere to go.

Knowing Seokjin, he and the others won't be back until late tonight because of the event they're preparing for. I couldn't even focus on my work too because of our conversation.

I have no one to go to... nowhere to run to... I was just here.

"Just when I thought we were getting close too," I said in a quiet voice as I put on my shoes and walked out of the house.

I wondered aimlessly around from shop to shop, desperate to just get away from it all. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be a burden to anyone. I fought hard to survive but what's the point of surviving now?

I sat down on one of bench near a convenient shop, glancing down at my hands that were still shaking from when Seokjin and I was arguing.

Should I go back to my father's company and confront him about it? I thought to myself, eyes still pinned on my hands. If it means I can try and get him off Seokjin's back, I'll do it.

A hand reached out and grabbed hold of my hands, making me flinched and looked up. Miyoung was frowning down at me, tilting her head to the side.

"Unnie, why are you sitting out here this late?"

Maybe it was the anger and frustration I felt about how powerless I am that made me cry... or maybe it was because of the concern and gentle look on Miyoung's face... either way, I cried. And I cried hard.



I was scared. Yumi was crying so much that I don't know what I'm supposed to do. As far as I know, Jimin and the others were really busy with their event. I can't bother him or the others. Not to mention... I have an assignment due today too.

After working on it non-stop, I saw that it was already nine o'clock. I was hungry and because I haven't done my grocery, I was out of food. I debated calling for pizza but changed my mind and left to come to the convenient store near my apartment... only to see Yumi sitting outside looking so lost. No, lost wasn't the right word. Broken. She looked so broken.

"Unnie, sit there and hold this," I said to her, giving her my apartment keys. "I'll be back, okay?"

She grabbed my arm. "No, don't go. I don't want to see him."

Him. That's probably Seokjin, right?

I gently grabbed her hand, easing it away from my arm. "Don't worry. I'm just going to buy a few things from the store."

Yumi sniffled and nodded.

It was the fastest shopping trip I've ever done in my whole life. I was a little worried that when I come out, that Yumi would be gone but that wasn't the case. She was sitting outside obediently as she waited for me. Knowing she would probably leave, I gave her my keys so that she can't leave.

When I first met her, I was a little wary because of how Jimin was towards her in the beginning. He told me he didn't want to get close to her because he was worried about Seokjin. Then, he eventually warmed up to her and told me all about her. I was a little jealous but at the same time, I was happy to think that maybe this mysterious girl was probably getting along well with Seokjin.

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