Chapter 57

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"We'll still be able to hang out, right?" Minseo asked as she held onto my hands.

Seyeon had her arms around my waist, holding me from behind, she poked her head out to look at me, "You won't leave us, right?"

"You two are so dramatic," Jiyeon sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. "Anyone who looks at you two will think Yumi is moving to another country."

I laughed at that, nodding in agreement with Jiyeon's statement.

"Let go of her," Yoongi said with a sigh before grabbing Seyeon's arm and pulling her away from me.

Seokjin and I have decided to move out to live on our own. Just like how Jiyeon and Hoseok were from time to time. I knew that Seokjin's hectic schedule will keep him away from me from time to time but I don't mind it. Because he loves his job.

However, I want us to have our own privacy. As much as I love the members and the girls, I feel that now that I have the choice to live by myself, I want that. Seokjin does too. So we discussed with their company and then the members before we all came to agree that it was best for us to live alone. After all, we were married.

I think Seokjin wants us to be able to explore what it's like to be married to one another... knowing that our feelings were mutual and that we want this to last. Living on our own will be a little lonely but at the same time, exciting.

"They're at it again," Jungkook said with a sigh as he appeared carrying three boxes.

"Hey, that's heavy!" Seokjin scolded, moving to take one away from Jungkook, only to have Jungkook give his back to Seokjin.

"I can carry them!" he protested.

"You will injure your back!" Seokjin argued.

"They never stop," Yoongi sighed.

Namjoon appeared with another box and stopped when he saw what Seokjin and Jungkook were doing. He just laughed and shook his head before telling the two to move away before making his way out the door. Jimin who was coming back into the house, opened and held the door for Namjoon to pass by.

"I'm going to miss this," I murmured to no one in particular.

"Then come back," Hoseok said from beside me.

I turned to face him, seeing the beautiful smile and gentle look he was wearing. That made me smile and warm in ways I never thought would ever be possible again.

"I will," I told him, smiling back at him.

Hoseok reached out, tousling my hair gently before turning to face Jiyeon. "You ready to go home now?"

Jiyeon nodded.

"Shortcake," Seokjin called out.

I looked over at him and saw that he finally was able to take one of the boxes from Jungkook.

"Come on," he jerked his chin towards the door. "Let's go."

My eyes wandered towards where the stairs were and I saw that Miyoung was standing and watching from afar. The sight of her standing there, hand on her stomach and looking so... lost made the guilt even worse.

I can't leave her, I thought to myself. It was Miyoung who offered her hand to me that time.

As if she knew what was going on in my mind, Miyoung removed her hand from her stomach and waved at me, smiling.

See you soon, unnie, she mouthed.

The guilt dissipates and I nodded at her before mouthing back, For sure.


"You ready for this next chapter?" Seokjin asked me as he drove us towards our new apartment.

I nodded. "I sure am."

Seokjin let out a chuckle, eyes still on the road. "You know, I never thought I'd marry."

"Neither did I," I murmured, turning in my chair to look at him.

Seokjin's eyes briefly came to meet mine and he smiled adoringly at me before swinging his gaze back to the road. "What?"

"A celebrity," I said, staring at his handsome profile. "I married a celebrity."

"Worldwide Handsome, baby," he smirked. "You definitely hit the jackpot with me."

I laughed at him, not denying it because it's true. I got lucky. So. Damn. Lucky. 

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