Chapter 40

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I took a deep breath as I glanced at myself in the mirror. I made sure to buy really cute night clothes so that maybe I can use my 'good' looks to seduce Seokjin. This was advice from Minseo when I rang her before. After receiving some words of encouragement from Minseo, I felt more confident in my body and myself and have decided to take action.

I may not be good in bed like any of the girls I know but I'm hoping... if I'm that bad, that he'll stay with me regardless. Because Seokjin is someone I can't imagine losing... nor do I want to lose him. Even if it hurts, I want to know that we can at least be friends. He's too precious to lose.

You can do it, I encouraged myself before reaching for the door knob. I emerged from the bathroom and saw Seokjin in his sleeping robes, his attention was the view outside this hut. The minute he heard the door open, his eyes slid my way.

I froze on the spot.

A few seconds passed us with neither of us speaking. I could hear how loud my heart was racing and I'm pretty sure Seokjin could hear it too.

Think, I told myself, panic washing over me. What will Minseo do in this situation?

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Seokjin asked after a beat.

"Yes," I answered immediately and then blinked at what I'd just said, "N-no!"

Laughing softly, he leaned over and pulled me by my wrist until I stopped in front of him. Then he pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him.

The eyes that were once cold were now shining brightly with warmth... just for me. I never thought I'd see such a warm expression on someone's face... especially Seokjin's. I never thought all my problems will disappear just by standing with him. No, Seokjin was never standing with me. He was always behind me, watching my every move but when I was struggling, he was always there. He had my back.

Seeing that warm look, I placed both my hands on his shoulders, holding tight, eyes locked with his. Seokjin's gaze dropped to where my hands were and they flickered to meet mine. His gaze was enough to let me know that he wanted me too.

"Kiss me," I said, leaning my head towards his.


"Why not?" I asked, feeling a little hurt.

Seokjin's hand reached up and he cupped the side of my face, "I'm holding onto a thin leash here, Shortcake. You sure you want this?"

I nodded before looping my arms around him, bringing him closer towards me, I brushed my lips against his. "Please," I murmured.


So much for being in control. He wanted her. He never admitted it in the beginning but he wanted her then. The pain and anguish he felt when he tried fighting this pull between them were always there. Now, he can finally put all this behind him. His parents gave him their permission and that's all Seokjin needed. The only issue is just her father now but Seokjin is confident the man will disappear out of their lives soon.

"Let me see all of you," Seokjin murmured against Yumi's lips as his hands slid into her robe.

He felt her stiffened and he knew exactly why she was like this. She was insecure about her body and her lack of experience. None of it mattered.

"We don't have to do this, you know," Seokjin said, lifting his head and meet her eyes. "Just having you near is enough for me."

That made her eyes warmed and Seokjin watched as her insecurities vanished.

"I want to touch you too," she said, shyly.

"Touch me all you want," Seokjin said, softly, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I'm all yours."

That's what she did.

When Yumi was ready for him, Seokjin almost backed out—not ready to take something so precious. Seeing this, Yumi stopped him and cupped his face with both her hands.

"Why? What's wrong?" she asked, quietly. He could see the insecurity filling her eyes and instead of answering her, he leaned down, nuzzling the tip of nose against hers affectionately.

"Don't hold back."

Seokjin let out a chuckle, though it was strained, "Right."

Yumi lifted her head up, pressing her lips against his, briefly, "I want to be yours."

She already was. The minute Seokjin's eyes land on hers, she was already his. Even when he didn't like her that much, she was still his.

"Shortcake?" he murmured.


"I love you."

Before she could say anything, Seokjin crushed his lips against hers and made her his. Forever.  

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