Chapter 46

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This wasn't good. He was going to hit me.

Making that call was a mistake. He suspected what I was calling about.

"Daeyoung," I began, voice shaking. "I was really just going to return the wrap."

"You went out," he stated, eyes cold as his eyes roamed me from head to toe. I didn't like this. He wasn't the man I used to know.

He grabbed my wrist, making me wince at how tight his grip was. Daeyoung was taller and bigger than I am and I don't doubt he'll break my wrist he wants to.

"It hurts," I whimpered, trying to remove myself from his hold. It didn't work.

"You owe me," he hissed. "You and your father."

I didn't recognise this man at all. How can someone as sweet as him turn into this kind of person? I wanted to laugh at the thought. Money. Money changed him.

"I know!" I cried. "Can you let go? It hurts!"

He raised his hand like he was going to hit me and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the hit. Daeyoung rarely hits me... and when he does, it's only one or two hits before he's satisfied. I knew it will end with a bruised cheek... but still, I begged for someone to save me. Anyone—

Daeyoung's loosened grip on my wrist and shout had me opening my eyes to see him on the ground, covering his lower body. Behind him... was...

"Dohee?" I squeaked.

Dohee. A student who was on her placement to become a personal trainer. Before Daeyoung got violent, he would verbally abuse me to the point where I had to cut my hair and lose weight. Dohee was working there and it is there that I ended up confessing what was happening in my life to her. She got angry on my behalf and threatened to kick Daeyoung's balls for me. I laughed at the thought but now...

I looked down at Daeyoung who was in pain from Dohee's kick.

"Unnie!" Dohee exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and scowling at it. "He hurt you!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked, scared for her sake. Dohee was younger than me. So, so young.

"Didn't I tell you to break up with him then?" Dohee demanded, "It's been years!"

I winced at that. "Dohee—"

"You," Daeyoung hissed, getting to his feet.

Dohee stepped in front of me and scoffed, "I can easily hurt you and you know that." She pointed at his balls, "I didn't go easy then and I won't now."

Dohee took up martial arts for a reason. I know that. So I don't doubt she was joking about hurting him. She would. The anger and hate in her eyes were evident. She'd kill him if she could.

"You'll pay for this," Daeyoung hissed at Dohee who poked her tongue at him.

"I'm sure anyone would do the same thing if they witnessed a man about to hit a woman," Dohee shot back.

"Do you know who I am?" Daeyoung snarled. "You'll pay for it."

Dohee ignored him, hands all over me, eyes filled with concern. "Are you hurt? Should we go to the hospital?"




"That guy is rich," I said and paused for a second, "And powerful."

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