Chapter 42

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"So noona," Taehyung said, with a low drawl, "How was your first sexy night with Seokjin?"

My face went hot.

We were all sitting in the lounge area after eating chicken together. Jimin and Miyoung were cuddling and in their own world while Hoseok had his head on Jiyeon's lap as the pair sat on the carpet. Seyeon was leaning against Yoongi, head on his shoulder as Yoongi continued to eat and feed her from time to time. Namjoon was focused on something on his phone and Jungkook was playing guitar.

Seokjin was sitting beside me and at that question, he choked on his chicken piece.

Minseo gasped and then threw a fist Taehyung's way, only for Taehyung to catch her fist in his large hand, bringing it up and brushing his lips across her knuckles. His eyes shone brightly with mischief.

"Stop!" she hissed.

"Why? It's not like we don't know what happened," Taehyung said, smirking.

Minseo threw an apologetic look my way before glaring at Taehyung once more. "Tae.." she said in a warning tone.

Laughing, Taehyung brushed his lips across her knuckles once more before tapping her nose with his finger. Minseo moved towards him, wrapping her arms around him, nuzzling against him and he gladly wrapped his arms around her, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.

"So, how was it?" Namjoon said, breaking the awkwardness by making it even more awkward.

"Hyung," Jungkook said, rolling his eyes.

I buried my face into Seokjin's shoulder and felt him pat my head. I didn't need to look up to know that he was giving them all a warning look that ended with chuckles... and I smiled.


The death anniversary of Minseo's grandparents led us back to this town. Where it all began. I'd be honest and say that I don't remember Minseo or anyone from here. I was too busy grieving and trying to stay alive. The fact that she remembered me... well, I guess it makes me uncomfortable.

Minseo was set to fly out once more so that means I won't see her for a while. Taehyung was obviously sad about that and I wanted to give them more time together but when Minseo invited both Seokjin and I to come with her... how could I say no? It wasn't easy though.

This place was where it all took place. The bullying. The abuse. Everything. I hated it.

"Come, come!" Minseo said, pulling my arm as she skipped towards the door.

I took in the huge house before us and then looked at Minseo. "Is this..."

"My house!" Minseo grinned. "We don't live here anymore but I couldn't bear to say goodbye to it. I come here from time to time."

I smiled and let her lead me inside. Behind us was Taehyung and Seokjin who were carrying our things and although I felt bad for them, Minseo didn't seem to mind. She happily showed me to my 'room' for the next few days before telling the guys we were going to go out for a while.

Minseo reminded me of Seyeon. She was funny, bright and just so positive. Was that why Taehyung fell for her? It'll be hard not to though... but I could see it in her eyes. The shadows. Shadows that she tries so hard to hide. I think... I think Taehyung sees them too. Was it the fear that comes with dating a celebrity? Or was it that fear that she may never be good enough for him? Either way, I understood that.

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