Chapter 2

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It was annoying as hell, having to follow Seokjin around like a puppy wanting attention from its owner. I knew he was doing it on purpose so he can keep an eye on me. I'm a full-time editor and I get paid a lot for it too until Seokjin and I married. I don't have much time to work now but I still do at every chance I get. Aside from my editor job, I work multiple jobs on the side too but I had to give that up when I married Seokjin. I've been making money and saving because I have plans. Plans that changed after I married Seokjin.

I was sitting in one of the back rooms as Seokjin and the members had gone out to rehearse. I never go out there and watch them practice although I'm sure anyone would want to be there. I knew that Seokjin doesn't want me near him or his members so I stayed away. It was better that way. I do really well on my own too so there was no need to socialise or befriend others. I like being by myself.

I leaned against the sofa and sighed loudly. My eyes went towards the windows and I saw that it was going to rain. Whenever it rains, I'm forced to remember all the bad things that occurred during those raining nights.

I closed my eyes tightly, trying to block out all the memories and flashbacks that were hitting me one after the other.

"Yumi?" one of the staff members said.

My eyes opened and I straightened myself, "Uh, yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

No. "Yeah, I am."

She looked at me worriedly and that gave me an idea.

I stood up and closed my laptop, announcing, "I'm going to go out for a bit."


"I need to buy something," I turned to look at her, "I'll be back soon."

"Seokjin said—"

"Seokjin can shove that up his—" I stopped myself and feigned a smile, "You don't need to tell him. I'll be back in half an hour."

I grabbed my wallet and phone, waving goodbye at the staff before running out of there. I needed to get something to take my mind off when it starts to rain. Even if Seokjin's against it, I'll deal with him later.


"Yumi did what?" Seokjin scowled.

"She left to get something from the shops," Yoongi told Seokjin. "That's what I was told anyways."

"And she couldn't tell the staff members to get them?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I don't know what goes on in her mind but she probably just needed a break."

"Hyung's right," Hoseok said to Seokjin, "she's been following us and our schedules are so hectic. She needed a break."

"And we don't?" Seokjin rolled his eyes.

"When will Yumi noona be back?" Jimin asked Yoongi who shrugged in response to that.

"It's starting to rain," Taehyung mumbled from the windows and looked over at Seokjin, "She doesn't have an umbrella, does she?"

"This isn't good," Namjoon said as he walked towards the windows and saw that it was pouring hard.

"I'll go find her," Seokjin muttered, turning to go but Hoseok grabbed hold of his arm.

"You can't just go out there," Hoseok scowled. "It's raining and you can't be seen in public."

Seokjin pulled out of Hoseok's hold and said, "Do you want me to just sit around and let her roam around? It's true that the media doesn't know how she looks like but someone like Yumi is bound to cause trouble."

"Give noona some credit," Jungkook said, speaking for the first time. Seokjin shot a look his way and Jungkook continued on, "Hyung, if you hate her so much, can you divorce her so that I can marry her? She's my dream wife."

Seokjin scowled and Jungkook smirked.

"Don't rile him up," Yoongi told Jungkook but his lips were twitching like he was trying not to laugh.

Just then one of the stylists came running towards them and said, breathlessly, "Yumi's back."

Seokjin left faster than anyone else.


I wiped what's left of the rain away from my face, breathing heavily. I didn't expect it to rain so hard while I was on my way back. I didn't expect to be feeling what I've been feeling my whole life, especially at a time like this.

That's when I saw Seokjin making his way towards me and he looked really pissed off. My guess is he doesn't want me out but I ended up going out anyways. It's not like I did anything bad while I was out. I just needed something to keep my mind off the rain. I needed something to focus on because it's hard for me to be alone during times like these.

Seokjin came to a stop and stood in front of me.

I glanced up at him and glared, "What?" I hated it when he stands so close to me. It makes me want to touch him... and that sucks because neither Seokjin or I want that to happen.

"You're drenched."

I said nothing to that.

"You went out," he said, lowly. I sensed anger in his tone and that's probably the first time he'd sound so angry at me in public too. I still didn't care though.

I crossed my arms and shivered a little, "What are you doing to do? Lock me up?"

Suddenly, Seokjin placed something over my head and my view went black for a brief moment. I pulled it back and saw that it was a towel.

I looked at him, confused.

"I haven't used it," Seokjin told me, putting his hands in his pockets, "Dry yourself or you'll get sick."

"Aren't you mad I went out?" I asked him, slowly.

Seokjin's eyes darkened, "I'll deal with you later."

I watched dumbfounded as Seokjin walked away from me with the members shooting me worried looks before following Seokjin. I glanced at the towel in my hand and then looked back to where Seokjin had gone. Was he worried about me?

I almost laughed. No. He wouldn't care. 

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