Chapter 15

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It was hard to concentrate today. Then again it's hard to concentrate on anything at all since Yumi came into his life.

"Water?" Seokjin heard Namjoon said.

Seokjin took the bottle from Namjoon, thinking that Namjoon would leave him to his own thoughts... except, he didn't.

"Come on," Seokjin urged in a low drawl. "Lecture me, will you?"

"What makes you think I came here for that?" Namjoon asked, turning to rest against the balcony, eyes locked on Seokjin.

"Then we don't need to talk."

"My guess? You're pissed because Yumi isn't here."

"Well, I made it clear this morning, didn't I?" Seokjin muttered. "It's better if she's here with me. That way I can keep an eye on her."

Namjoon snorted at that. "Do you think that's what I mean?"

"What else?"

"Stop denying it already," Namjoon murmured, resting a hand on Seokjin's shoulder. "The sooner you admit it, the less painful it'll be for you." He paused. "And Yumi noona too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Seokjin demanded as Namjoon made his way towards the door.

"You figure out," Namjoon waved without looking back. "Also, we need to go over our dance. You have five minutes."

Seokjin shook his head as he watched the door closed behind Namjoon. Keeping his eyes on the city below him, Seokjin let out a troubled sigh.

The sooner I deal with her father, the sooner I'll be able to go back to my normal life, Seokjin thought to himself as he reached for his phone.


I don't know what happened but I could hear arguing from downstairs. Slipping on my cardigan, I walked out of my room and towards the noise. I could see Seokjin there with the members, Jiyeon and Seyeon.

"Can't you just ignore her?" Seokjin asked, barely hiding his anger.

"How can we not invite her when she lives with us?" Jimin retorted.

"She'll be fine," Seokjin said, rolling his eyes.

"I will be fine," I said, watching all their heads turn my way as I walked down towards where they were standing. I could see the surprise in all of their eyes... except Seokjin's. I'm not one who hides away when people are talking about me. It's been like that ever since the beginning. 

"Uh, come with us," Namjoon said with a tensed smile. "We were thinking of eating out tonight."

"Namjoon," Seokjin began, warningly.

"We still need to get ready too," Taehyung said, offering me a warm smile. "Take your time."

I forced a smile, shaking my head. "I have to work on some things tonight. I can't."

"Can't," Yoongi said, eyes on Seokjin. "Or won't?"

"Come," Jungkook said with that gentle smile of his.

Not knowing what to do with this, I turned to Seokjin for some reason. It was the wrong thing to do.

He glared down at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"


"Crawl back into that hole where you and your father belongs, Yumi."

And that was all I could take. Reaching up, I slapped him. Hard.

Tears welled in my eyes, hand stinging from slapping him in the face.

"I hate you so much," I said, voice cracking before running out of there.


"D-did she just hit me? My face?" Seokjin blinked in shock. He turned to his members, "Yumi just hit me in the f#cking face."

Namjoon grabbed hold of Seokjin's jaw, turning his head to the side to get a better look of it, muttering, "You'll live."

"It's my face!"

"You deserve it," Yoongi shook his head. "Yumi should have hit you harder."

"Go apologise," Seyeon said, eyes narrowing on Seokjin.

Jiyeon placed both hands on Seokjin's shoulders as she glanced up at him. "If you don't apologise, Seyeon and I will make tonight hell for you."

Seokjin knew they weren't kidding.

His eyes went towards where Yumi had gone and he sighed. Usually he would have just left it like that but seeing the tears in her eyes made it hard for him to ignore her. 

So he turned to the others, announcing, "I'm going but not because you told me too."


Not surprisingly, Seokjin had the keys to my room. The guy invaded my privacy solely by existing in my damn world. I hated him so much for it too.


I ignored him, eyes to the wall. I won't cry. Not in front of him. 

After a few seconds, I felt Seokjin's hand curled around my bicep, slowly and cautiously turning me to him. I turned to face him, ready to curse him with everything I have until I saw the apologetic look plastered on his face. His eyes were filled with concern and he actually looked... worried. Seeing this, I couldn't find the words.

"I'm sorry," he said, quietly. "I shouldn't have said those things to you."

I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it. What am I supposed to say? Seokjin almost never apologise to me. Ever.

He gave me a tight smile, "I'm sorry, okay?"

Dropping his hold on me, he ran his fingers through his hair, struggling to find the right words. When he couldn't, Seokjin just shook his head and sighed to himself. Then he turned to leave.

I should have let him leave. I should let him feel bad over what he said. He deserved to hurt too but because I'm weak—

I grabbed the end of Seokjin's sweater and that made him stop. Seokjin turned around and glanced down at where my hand was and frowned. "Yumi?"

I let go of him, only to grab his sleeve and pulled him along with me as I made my way towards my little fridge. Seokjin didn't complain and let me drag him. 

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