Chapter 31

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I ran as fast as my legs could take me, not slowing down one bit even though it was hard to keep going. I grabbed hold of the door knob and threw the door opened, rushing into the room.

I came to a stop, breathing heavily when I saw the members stopped talking and looked my way. My eyes were locked on Seokjin who was sitting in the hospital bed with his head bandaged.

A car accident.

After seeing the smug look on Rijin's face as I left, I went back home. Trying to dismiss the images of how happy Seokjin and Rijin were before, I tried to focus on my work. I rang up a few authors to discuss their piece before burying myself in work.

My phone rang when I was about to shower and my whole world tilted when I heard the news. Seokjin got into a car accident while the others were heading home after that event.

"That's one hell of an expression you're wearing there, Shortcake," Seokjin said with a laugh, bringing me back to the present.

It was so hard for me to breathe properly after running here that I collapsed onto the ground. I curled my hands into fists, letting my head dropped as tears welled in my eyes.

"I—freaking hate you!" I screamed before my breath hitched, indicating that I was indeed in tears.

"Let's leave them," Yoongi murmured and I felt the members moving around me and the door closing.

I sniffled, trying to blink the tears away but it wasn't working like it usually does. Then I felt Seokjin's presence before he placed his large hand on the top of my head.

"Shortcake, don't tell me you're crying?"

"I'm not!" I cried.

I heard Seokjin's soft chuckle and felt him drop his hand. I glanced up just as Seokjin crouched down to my level, angling his face towards mine.

"Were you worried?" he asked, his lips twitching. "If you were that worried, you should have stayed behind with me instead of running off like you did."

Is he for real? Seokjin's always been good at teasing me but this was honestly too much. I was filled with so many emotions, I needed to get out of here.

I got to my feet and glared down at him with tears running down my face, "No! I don't care about you. In fact, I really don't care what happens to you!"

I turned on my heels, ready to sprint out but then Seokjin grabbed hold of my wrist, tugging me back.

"Ah!" I lost my footing and fell back against Seokjin. "What the—"

I felt his arms come around me, holding me against him. I dropped my hands to his arms, trying to free myself but they tightened, making it hard for me to get away from him.

"Let go!"

He didn't.

Instead, his arms tightened when I tried fighting him and he leaned forward, resting his chin on my shoulder. I immediately stopped fighting him.

"It's not like you to cry that much, Shortcake," he murmured. "I know you were probably worried but there's something more to it, right?"


"If you deny it, I'm going to have to kiss you."

My eyes bugged out. "What?"

"Come on. Tell me."

I swallowed, trying to figure out how I'm going to run out of here when I suddenly felt Seokjin's lips skimming the side of my face.

"Say it."

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