Chapter 35

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"Oh boy," Hoseok murmured, straightening himself as he leaned forward, looking at his phone.

"What?" Jungkook asked, nervously, "Did we do something wrong?"

Yoongi smirked. "Hyung."

Seokjin glanced over at him, "What?"

"You're trending worldwide."

"Is that so?"

"Seems like the fans are jealous of Yumi," Taehyung said with a laugh. "Though I didn't know you were such a romantic, hyung."

Seokjin ignored that.

"Of course," Namjoon said, winking at Seokjin, "Who would have thought he'd be like this, huh?"

Ever since that accident, Namjoon's changed... in a good way. Seokjin's been worried whether he'll feel bad for switching place with him but that wasn't the case. In fact, Namjoon seemed happier. It made Seokjin wonder if things are working out between him and Jihye.

"The girls are going out tonight," Hoseok said, interrupting their conversation. "Jiyeon just messaged me."

"Oh, I got a text from Tiny too," Yoongi said with a smirk. "I forgot to look at it or reply."

"Ah, yeah, they are," Taehyung said, holding up her phone to show Seokjin. "It's for Yumi's birthday."

"She doesn't know though, hey?" Jungkook said, leaning over to peer at Seokjin as he grabbed his phone to see if there's a text from Yumi.

"Nope," Seokjin replied, opening the text from Yumi.

I'm heading out tonight, it read. The girls wanted to celebrate no matter what.

Seokjin texted back, Have fun.

"You're going to regret texting that," Taehyung said, patting Seokjin's back.


Taehyung gave him a sly smile. "You'll find out later."


"I can't wear this!" I hissed, trying to pull my skirt down.

"Why? You look hot," Minseo waved me off, turning her attention towards Jihye. This was the mysterious girl who Namjoon had a past with. She was nothing like I expected though. She looked almost innocent. It was when we saw her walk through the door, that I found out that she was a high school friend of Jiyeon and that Jiyeon invited her out.

When I saw the ring on her finger, it made me frown. Namjoon was involved with a woman who's supposed to be married soon. I was against that kind of thing but seeing how lost she looks; it makes me want to do something about it. I didn't though. It wasn't my place.

"I—can't," Jihye said, using her denim jacket to cover her legs. "My dad won't be happy if he saw me like this."

"A daddy's girl?" Miyoung grinned.

Jihye smiled but it was tight. "W-well, you can say that."

Minseo just shook her head, pouting at all of us.

"Looks like it's just you and I who are used to these kinds of clothes," Seyeon said, bumping Minseo with her shoulder. "These girls look way too innocent."

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