Chapter 16

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I wrapped the ice pack in a cloth and then placed it against his cheek, watching him wince. Guilt hits me. I shouldn't have hit him.

"I'm sorry too," I said, quietly. "I shouldn't have hit you."

"Well, I deserved it," he said with a tired laugh. "Though it'll be troublesome since we've got a photoshoot tomorrow."

I shook my head and whispered, "I'm sorry. No one deserves to be hit."

Keeping my eyes on what I was doing, I could feel Seokjin's eyes on me, burning me with his gaze. It warmed me in ways it shouldn't.

"Stop looking so guilty."

I just rolled my eyes and said nothing to that.


I glanced up to meet his gaze. Seokjin held my gaze for a brief moment.

"If it'll make you feel better, there's something you can do for me."

"What's that?" I murmured.

"Will you do it?"

Considering the fact that I slapped him and they have a photoshoot tomorrow, I shrugged. "I don't like to feel like this, so yeah."

"Kiss me."

I choked on air, lowering the ice pack. "WHAT?!"

Seokjin tapped to the cheek I'd slapped. "Here. Kiss it better."

"You can't be serious," I spluttered in disbelief, remembering our almost kiss.

He shrugged, leaning back on his hands. Then he glanced towards the window, a smile curling his lips.

I sighed to myself and then placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. Lowering my lashes, I leaned towards him and then pressed my lips against Seokjin's cheek, feeling the slight coldness there.


Seokjin stiffened.

Yumi pulled back and avoided his gaze. Her cheeks were red. Seokjin's pretty sure his face was getting red too from the contact of her lips.

He said it because it seems like the best way for Yumi to get rid of the guilt she was feeling. He never thought that she would actually do it.

Their eyes met and then they both quickly looked away.

"Uh..." she began, swinging her gaze back to him.

Seokjin stared at her, "I was joking."

Yumi's eyes widened, her fingertips touching her lips. "Wh-what?"

Seokjin dropped his gaze towards her lips. "You make me want to do it."


"You make me want to protect you too," Seokjin said before he could stop himself. "Just like the other members."

"I don't need you to protect me," Yumi scoffed. "I'll only rely on myself, thank you very much."

"That's precisely the reason why I feel the urge to," Seokjin admitted and then let out a laugh. "I won't though."

"You won't?"

Seokjin stood up. "My family comes first."

Understanding this, Yumi nodded, getting to her feet, tilting her head back so that they could make eye contact.

"And don't you forget it," she said on a whisper.


In the end, they didn't end up going out. Thinking it was my fault, I couldn't help but feel guilty for it.

"It's honestly fine," Jungkook reassured me, "Hyung deserves a good beating."

I shook my head. "No, that's not true."

"I don't think there's anyone in this room who would disagree except for you," Jimin said with a smirk. "Well, no one but Minseo. If she was here..."

Taehyung laughed at the mention of his girlfriend, "Yeah, it'll be a different story if she was here."

We were sitting in the living room. Hoseok ordered pizzas for everyone and they all agreed to stay here tonight... which meant they wanted me to join them. Honestly, it was a little awkward because of Seokjin and I. 

"We'll go out this weekend," Taehyung said, taking another pizza slice and placing it on my plate. "My girlfriend gets back this weekend."

Taehyung's girlfriend. Minseo. Someone I've not met because she's been busy and flying from country to country. According to what I've heard, sometimes she meets Taehyung and them while they were on tour. She couldn't spend much time with him because she's really busy with her work but she makes effort to come see him. As for Taehyung, he struggled to meet her too since they're both so busy. Either way, I admire that kind of dedication.

"You haven't met her, right?" Hoseok asked, leaning over Jiyeon to look at me. "You'll love her."

"We all do," Yoongi said in a low drawl. "Seokjin is especially fond of her."

Seokjin snorted at that but didn't deny it. I couldn't explain the little sting I was feeling from that. I can see how close Seokjin is with both Jiyeon and Seyeon. Is it the same with Minseo? No, is he closer to Minseo than both Seyeon and Jiyeon? If so, then I don't know if I want to see it. Was this the reason why Jimin said Minseo won't be happy if she knew I laid my hands on Seokjin? Were they closer than Seokjin and Rijin?

I forced a smile. "Sure."

Because who would love to be introduced to someone who their husband cares about immensely? Especially when you're his wife and don't get an ounce of his affection. 

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