Chapter 18

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"S-Seokjin," I whispered, glancing around us nervously.

He came to a stop and glanced over his shoulders at me, "What?"

I saw that the others also stopped walking too and looked over at me to see what the fuss was about. We had just finish eating dinner and were heading towards where a small festival will be held. That was until... well—

I shook my head at Seokjin, feeling my face heating up.

He looked irritated and walked back towards me, tilting his head to the side, "What is it?"

I pressed my legs together and glanced at the others before whispering, "I—need to pee."

Seokjin stared at me.

I bite my lip and tapped my feet, anxiously.

"You're kidding me," he whispered back.

I shook my head, feeling the need to cry if I don't go to the bathroom right away. "I-I really need to go."

"Can't you hold it?"

I shook my head, vigorously, "No!" I hissed.

Seokjin's eyes skimmed the area and then he grabbed hold of my hand before turning to the members and the girls who are watching the whole thing but thankfully, couldn't hear anything.

"We'll catch up to you," Seokjin told them before dragging me out of there.

"W-wait," I squealed. "I can't run! If I run, I'll—"

"If you pee in public, I'm going to have to save my face and leave you here," he warned. "Hurry it up."

So I let Seokjin dragged me towards a small restaurant and explained my very embarrassing situation to the owners there. The owners were amused by the whole thing and I wanted to bury myself.

When I was done, I didn't even want to leave the bathroom. I wanted to sit here but when I received spam messages from Seokjin, threatening to come find me if I don't come out, I had no other choice but to leave.

"S-sorry," I mumbled to the owners.

"No worries, dear," the older woman said with a laugh. "You go when you have to!"

My cheeks burn at that. Seokjin and I both bid our goodbyes before stepping out once more. The cool air had me shivering a little.

"Come on," Seokjin said, pulling his mask up to cover himself.

"I want to go sleep," I mumbled as I struggled to catch up with him. "You're tired too, aren't you?"

"You trying to get me to go home instead of celebrate Minseo's return with the others?"

I came to a stop at that, prompting Seokjin to stop as well.

"Keep walking," he said, annoyance in his tone.

"You like her."


I swallowed. "Minseo."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes. "Come again?"

"More than a friend."

Seokjin let out a laugh of disbelief. "Am I to believe you are jealous?"

I glared. "I'm not jealous."

Within a blink of an eye, Seokjin was all in my face, an arm slid around me, holding me against him. After what happened today with my father, I should shove all hands away from me but right now, I wanted to sink into his arms... even though I know it's a bad idea.

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