Chapter 3

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Seokjin was ready to yell some sense into her until he saw Yumi shivering from the rain. That wasn't what stopped him though. It was the fact that her eyes were red from crying. He doesn't know why but that stopped him from yelling at her. The fact that she still talked back to him like that too – it riled him up so bad but he was able to control himself. He'd given her his towel and left, hands in his pocket, afraid that he'll reach out and touch her. He knew Yumi had things she could never tell him just like how he has things he can never tell her. He also knew that because of this, Yumi wasn't someone you can easily push around. She was a fighter.

Jungkook and Jimin was talking to one of the directors and Seokjin took this chance to peek over at Yumi. He could see Yumi sitting on the sofa, legs crossed and eating something.

Seokjin squinted to see what it was but then saw that it was ... ice cream? Yumi was happily eating it and scribbling away on her notepad. He blinked at the sight. It was rare to see Yumi so happy and carefree.

He didn't like the emotions he was starting to feel, seeing her like this. He knew that he never gave her the chance, which was probably the reason why she's so quiet and kept everything to herself. Seokjin didn't want to do this to her but he had no choice. His family comes first.

He felt someone's chin on his shoulder and glanced to see Namjoon. His eyes were also pinned on Yumi and said, "What are we looking at, hyung?"

Seokjin shrugged Namjoon off, "Don't you have things to do?"

Namjoon grinned, "I'm more worried about you."

"Worry about yourself."

Namjoon laughed and threw an arm around Seokjin's shoulders, "Let's get today over and done with and go back to the hotel. I'm so tired."


I got out of the shower and came to a stop. Seokjin was sitting on my bed and doing something on his phone.

I placed my hands on my hip, "What are you doing here?"

Seokjin's eyes came to me.

"Don't tell me we're going to have to share the same hotel room," I said, trying not to let my voice shake. We were able to avoid this for a year now.

"You seem to think I'd want to share a room with you, Shortcake."

"There are plenty of men I'd rather share a room with and you're not one of them," I shot back.

Seokjin smirked. Pissing me off is something he enjoys doing, I know that much.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded and then paused for a moment before saying, "If you came here to get your towel, I'll wash it and give it to you tomorrow or something."

"I don't want it back. Keep it."

The fact that he doesn't want it back even though it was his, really hurt me. Was it because I touched it? He doesn't want anything that I've touched?

Those thoughts came to an end when there was a flash of lightning, followed by loud thundering which had me flinching. Seokjin arched his eyebrows at me and I pressed my lips together, looking away from him.

"Can you get out? I've got things I need to do," I said, without looking at him.

"Like what?"

Like jumping under the covers with my cup ice cream.

"Not your business," I turned my gaze back to him. "I'm not doing anything weird in here so leave."

Seokjin dropped his hand on the bed and leaned forward slightly, "You wanting me to leave your room so badly makes me not want to leave. How about it, little wifey? Want to spend the night together?"

I glared at him in response and he smiled, obviously pleased with himself.



It was three in the morning and it was still raining and thundering outside. Seokjin went back to his room after Yumi tried pushing him out. He had a feeling Yumi doesn't like rain but he wasn't sure too. He wanted to confirm some things and he was right. There was something in her eyes that looked like fear. The kind of fear that looks unbearable for her.

He sat up in his bed, wondering what was wrong with her. Seokjin tried to think of the many reasons why Yumi was like this until he realised that it was three in the morning.

Seokjin got up from his bed and walked out of his room towards where Yumi's room was. Which wasn't too far from his room. He'd asked for a spare key to her room since they were technically married anyways.

He knocked on it twice, pressing his ear to the door before saying, "Shortcake?"

No response.

Seokjin knocked again, louder this time. "Shortcake?"

Again, no response.

He opened her door, stepped into her room and almost walked out when he saw that the lights were out and that Yumi was probably sleeping.

Something in him didn't want to leave just yet so he didn't. Instead, Seokjin closed the door behind him and stepped all the way into her room and walked over to where her bed was, just to confirm that she's asleep. To his surprise, he saw that that Yumi was on the floor, holding a pillow to her chest. She was curled into a ball and by the looks of it, she was asleep.

Seokjin made a face at that and leaned over, switching the lamp on.

"She's fast asleep, alright," Seokjin murmured, bending down slightly, hands on his knees as he watched her sleep. He watched Yumi sleep for a few more minutes before lowering himself and scooping her into his arms. She wasn't exactly short unless you place her beside Seokjin, that's when she looks small. Seokjin didn't realise how light she'd be though, considering she is quite tall too. He wondered if she even eats when he's not around since she doesn't eat with them.

Seokjin gently placed Yumi in her bed and the pulled the cover up and over her. He watched as Yumi snuggled against her other pillows and settled down but not before muttering, "Narcissistic jerk."

"Dreaming of me, are we?" Seokjin murmured, amused. Reaching for the lamp, he turned it off and then Seokjin walked out of her room unaware that he was smiling the whole time.  

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