Chapter 10

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"Thank you for the food," I muttered, bringing my hamburger up before taking a bite. "Although you didn't have to."

Seokjin had his arms crossed, eyes pinned on me.

"Order something too," I said.

"I already ate. Unlike someone here."

I stopped eating, "Did the others... finished their food?"


I winced at that, lowering my hamburger, "Call them—"

"No need," Seokjin cut me off, "The kids are probably eating now too."

I felt bad. Maybe it was best if I kept quiet after all instead of making that scene. These kinds of thoughts kept circling my head as I ate and although I thought Seokjin would find ways to poke me, he didn't. He let me eat in peace, his mind obviously not here.

"Sorry," I mumbled when we stepped out of the shop. "I should have thought things through first."

"You think?" Seokjin grunted, walking past me towards the van.

I followed him into the van and then we were off. Like always, Seokjin and I made sure to leave a huge gap between us, not wanting to touch each other. There are times when I feel his eyes on me but I ignore them just like he does when he feels me looking at him too.

I glanced at Seokjin for a brief moment before averting my eyes, turning my attention towards the window once more. During times like these, when Seokjin and I aren't going at each other, I wonder what's going on in his mind. Does he wish for me to disappear? Or does he hurt, thinking about his parents and what they are going through right now? Or maybe he thinks about Rijin...

As much as I'd love to get my father off their backs, I know that I can't do anything for him. My own father doesn't even listen to me too so talking to him won't help. Besides, I'd prefer it if he and I don't talk to each other and stay out of each other's lives.

I closed my eyes, resting my head against the headrest.

How many more days do I have to endure this?


I felt someone's hand on me, shaking me slightly.

I held back a groan when I touched my temples, head throbbing. My eyes flickered open and I found myself looking at Seokjin. I saw that he was standing outside, trying to wake me up since I had fallen asleep. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to get out of the van, only to see that I was still buckled in. My eyes were still blurred with sleep as I unbuckled and hastily got up, only to fall out.

I braced myself for the fall but was surprised when I felt Seokjin's arm around me, holding me against him.

"S-sorry," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes, moving away from him.

Seokjin sighed, grabbing onto my arm to steady me. "Calm down, Shortcake. Why are you in a hurry?"

I squinted at him, "You're always in a hurry."

"Can I let go or are you going to fall on your ass if I let go?" Seokjin asked, hand tightening on my arm.

"I'm good," I mumbled, swaying slightly.

He didn't let go of my arm though. "Did you not get enough sleep last night?"

"I'm not sure," I sighed, touching my temples lightly with my fingertips. "I'm exhausted though. Drained. And I have a headache right now."

And I wasn't lying about that. My body felt so heavy and I could barely stand on my own two feet. Great. Perfect time to get sick.

Seokjin pulled me towards him and before I could even think what he was going to do, I was lifted into his arms. Smiling at the driver, Seokjin thanked him before walking back towards the hotel, still carrying me bridal style.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked, shocked. Looking around the area, I pushed at him, trying to get him to let me down. "Let go!"

"I will not have you collapsing," Seokjin said in a low drawl. "I'm not liking it anymore than you are, Shortcake so do us a favour and don't ruin my reputation with so many people watching."

I stopped struggling and that's when I saw that there were many people watching us. Great. Just what I needed.

"You're lucky I'm not able to move," I mumbled, resting the side of my head against Seokjin's chest.

"Lucky, hm?" Seokjin murmured. Then he chuckled.

I tilted my head to look at him. "What's funny?"


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