Chapter 53

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Three days later...


After entering the code, I opened the door and to my surprise, everyone was there. Well, everyone aside from Seokjin, Miyoung and Jihye. I was surprised to see Minseo back too.

"Noona!" Namjoon said, eyes wide as he slowly got to his feet.

Tucking my loose curls behind my ear, I smiled at them all. My heart ached at the sight before me and I knew it was a good thing I decided to come back. This was home.

"It's really you," Jimin whispered.

I grinned at them, waving, "Hi everyone. I'm back."

One minute they were all sitting there, the next minute they were all in my space and then I was on the floor, sitting on my butt.

"Don't do that again!" Jungkook hissed. "Do you have any idea how we felt when you just left like that?"

I grinned at him.

"I think I'm going to cry," Minseo whispered, tugging on Taehyung's sleeve. Taehyung slid an arm around her waist, pulling her against him and whispering something in her ear.

"I'm going to cry too," Hoseok agreed, wiping his eyes.

Jiyeon's eyes warmed as she looked at her husband and then turned to me, "You made the right decision coming back."

"Here," Seyeon said, offering me both her hands. "Let's get you off the floor."

Both Seyeon and Yoongi pulled me to my feet and I softened when Namjoon reached out, tousling my hair affectionately.

"You're really here," Namjoon said, smiling.

"Where's Seokjin?" I asked, feeling anxious. They may be happy to see me but Seokjin might not be.

As if knowing what was going on in my mind, Jungkook rest his arm on my shoulder, leaning into me, he reassured me by saying, "If hyung kicks you out again, we'll kick him out with you."

It reassured me in so many ways that it almost brought tears to my eyes. Trusting them to have my back, I nodded.

"I need to see Seokjin," I said, determined than ever.

As I rushed out of there, I could feel the rain coming down on me. The others tried to stop me but I didn't want to be stopped. Seokjin was out there doing who knows what. He's been out of it—just like I predicted.

I let myself remember the painful month without him. The tears stopped after a week and I tried to move on like he wanted me too. It didn't work because everything reminded me of him. I walked the streets in different countries and yet his name was everywhere. Photos and videos of him were everywhere as they toured. It broke me every damn time I see him there on stage.

I asked myself over and over again if I want things to stay this way. If he's willing to let me go so easily, is he it for me? Then I realised that he was doing it for me. It sucked but he did it for me. I knew very well that deep down, he is a little insecure. He may even think he's not good enough for me too. That he may not be what I want or need in my life.

Because Seokjin has a sensitive, loving heart, easily wounded through knowing the pain of others. That was why he sent me away. He wanted me to be free. He didn't want us to be bound because of our past. And that... was enough for me to fight for him. For us.

So I left Paris and came back to Korea. To be with him.

"Where are you?" I hissed as the rain hits me over and over again. A part of me want to run away and hide but the other part... the part that wants to see Seokjin— that was what kept me moving.

Just when I was about to collapse from exhaustion, that's when I saw him. Seokjin.

"Seokjin!" I yelled.

Seokjin blinked at the sound of my voice before lifting his head up. His eyes narrowed on me when he saw me and then he tilted his head to the side, confused.

"I want to stay with you!" I yelled. So loud that my voice breaks.

His eyes widened slightly. I watched as he looked around us to see if there were people around. There wasn't.

Ignoring all this, I ran towards him before throwing myself against him, arms wrapped around him. Seokjin took a step back to steady us. I lifted my head up to meet his eyes. They were emotionless. Why?

"Stop telling me that you want me to leave," I said, shaking my head. "I know you wanted me to stay more than anything. You love me so much... that's why you sent me away."

He opened his mouth to deny it but I clapped a hand over his mouth to stop him.

"I feel it when you hold me and I feel it when you kiss me," I said, feeling tears sting my eyes. "So don't tell me you don't want me to stay with you. I know you pushed me away for my own sake but I can't live this life without you."

Seokjin looked troubled but didn't deny anything I've said.

So I got on my toes, grabbing hold of his face before saying loudly, "I want to be with you, you idiot!" Hot tears rolled down my cheeks and I continued on, breathlessly, "You're it. My home. I—I love you."

Seokjin's eyes warmed before he pressed his forehead against mine. He murmured, "You know this means you're stuck with me for life? I won't give you another chance to run."

My eyes roamed his handsome features and saw the love in his eyes and the gentle expression he has just for me. This was it.

I nodded, smiling through the tears. "Good." 

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