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Seokjin stood there, looking out the windows, hands tucked in his pockets. He doesn't know how long he's been standing there but that's what he's been doing ever since he finished getting ready.

"I can't believe I'm really doing this," Seokjin muttered to himself.

What a good day to get married, he thought to himself, eyes narrowing in annoyance and exhaustion.

He doesn't know how long it's been until he heard someone approached him from behind.


Seokjin glanced over his shoulder at Namjoon who was in his suit.

"Hyung, are you ready?" Namjoon stood beside Seokjin, looking out the windows, "We're ready."

"I'm ready," Seokjin replied, turning his gaze towards the windows once more.

"Why don't you look happy then?"

Because I'm in love with someone else.

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