Chapter 9

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Seokjin stood by the window, his eyes narrowed at the sight. His emotions were everywhere and he's never had such a hard time trying to control himself and remain calm. Just after things were getting good with Rijin too... 

"I'm Yumi," he heard a female voice saying as she stood beside Seokjin.

He glanced down at her and saw that her eyes were bright with happiness. Why was she so happy meeting someone like him? A stranger who she is going to marry.

"I know," he replied, turning his gaze back to the view.

"I'm really happy I got to meet you," she said, with a soft tinkly laugh. "I don't know much about celebrities and how this whole marriage thing will work out with me not being a celebrity..." she trailed off. "But I think it'll be okay as long as you're here. I was a bit worried when my father told me I am to be married but now seeing that the man is you, I'm not worried anymore. Ah, sorry about how I behaved before too. It's...complicated."

Seokjin glanced down at her, about to say something but she quickly cut him off.

"Oh, right! You just got back from your world tour, right? You must be tired—no, wait, are you hungry?" Yumi asked. Before Seokjin could answer her, she was already walking back towards the table to grab something for him. He didn't need to look at her to know that's where she's gone.

A few seconds later, she came back and stood beside him, holding up a plate. His eyes went to the slice of shortcake for a brief moment before he glanced at her.

"Why, what's wrong?" Yumi asked, blinking. "Do you not... like sweets? I, um," she flashed a shy smile. "I really like sweets. I love shortcakes so I... wanted you to have some."

Seokjin crossed his arms, leaning against the wall, "Your height is alright. Not too short, not too tall. Your looks on the other hand..." he trailed off.

Yumi lowered the plate. "What?"

Seokjin clicked his tongue in annoyance, "I don't know you that well and I'm thankful for that but from what I can see," he studied her for a beat before concluding, "You're a below average."

That's when Yumi held up at the plate and fling the shortcake at him. Right in his face.

Seokjin straightened himself, "Hey!" he shouted.

"You a$$hole!" she yelled.

Seokjin glared down at her. "What did you say?"

"I—I won't marry someone like you," Yumi said, shaking her head before rushing out of there.

"Too late, Shortcake," Seokjin called out after her. "We're already set to marry in two months."


"Hyung," Namjoon said.

Seokjin was jerked back to the present and glanced at his members who are waiting for his answer.

"How would I know," Seokjin said, nonchalantly. "The woman is either cursing or quiet. It's one or the other."

He watched them all fall back into their chair in disappointment.

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