Chapter 21

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Namjoon winked at me and mouthed, Good luck! before leaving me here with Seokjin. He was pissed. Well, just what I needed at two o'clock in the morning.

"Have a good night," I said as I walked towards the door, except Seokjin's hand reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to a stop.

I closed my eyes briefly. Damn it, Namjoon.

"Getting real close and cosy with my members, are you?" he said, eyes full of annoyance. "Doing all that like you weren't naked and in bed with me the other night."

I slapped his hand away and arched an eyebrow at him, "Is that jealousy I hear, my handsome hubby?"

Seokjin's eyes grew cold. "I'm not jealous."

I waved him off. "Then we don't need to have this kind of conversation. Now, I'll be off—"

Seokjin jerked me in front of him, holding me there with his hands on my shoulders. "Don't walk away while I'm talking to you," he snapped.

I eyed him wearily. "Fine, fine. Are we done here? I have to submit a story so I need to really get back to editing if you don't—"

His hand reached out, grabbing hold of my chin as he tilted it towards his. My heart raced at how close he was to me.

"You don't go near my members," he whispered. I could hear the threat in his whisper. "You don't touch them too."

"Fine," I forced myself to say. I could hear my tone shaking and I hated that. Batting his hand away from me, I said to him, "Don't touch me too. I hate it when you do that."

My eyes burned with angry tears as I bolted out of there and towards my room. It's almost like that night didn't exist. The night that Seokjin and I fell asleep together in each other's arms. I was able to sleep peacefully that night thanks to him... not that I will ever tell him that.


The weekend after that night, Seokjin decided to drag me out with him since they were filming. I didn't want to go but like always, he doesn't care. When Yoongi saw us ignoring each other, he kindly explained that Minseo will be working with them on this project. I guess he meant that they wanted us to support her in some way. With that kind of reasoning, how can I not agree?

I was in awe as I watched Minseo expertly direct and film the members. She looked seriously cool from where I was sitting. Seyeon and Jiyeon were busy paying attention to their men and to some degree, bothering them too.

So I sat alone and watched. I was fine with that.

"Make sure you eat something," I heard Jimin said.

I looked up at him from where I was sitting. He'd just finished getting changed.

"I'm not hungry," I told him.

"Well, I'm telling you to eat," he shrugged, reaching for a bottle of water. "You look like you've lost weight these days, noona while the rest of us got fat."

I felt my lips twitched at that. "That's not true."

Jimin scoffed. "It's true and you know it."

"Jimin!" Minseo called out.

"Work calls," he murmured, walking away but not before pointing a finger at me. "Eat."

Maybe it was because everyone was having fun, laughing and talking right there in front of me... but without me. It reminded me of what can never be mine. Or maybe it was because I was somewhat happy for all of them. Seeing how Jiyeon had her arms wrapped around Hoseok's waist as the two smiled at each other as well as how Taehyung held Minseo in his arms, her back to his front, whispering all sorts of things to make her laugh and even how Seyeon was busy grabbing Yoongi's face and grinning at him...these things made my heart hurt. Just a little. But it's not in a bad way. Not really.

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