Chapter 1

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"You a$$hole!" I threw Seokjin's blue shirt at Seokjin who was resting on the couch with his arm over his eyes. I could sense the eyes of his members on us since they were sitting in the kitchen area. I've been trying to keep it all in since we live with the other members but this was too much.

The shirt landed on Seokjin's head and he removed it, turning his head towards me. He arched an eyebrow, "You trying to piss me off this early in the morning, Shortcake?"

Again, with that name. People may think it's a cute nickname given to me by Seokjin but you'd be wrong. That guy is always getting on my nerves. "Shortcake" is something he'd called me ever since we married because of that time when I threw a shortcake at him when he'd insulted my height and looks upon our first meeting.

"Since you love to sleep around, get your mistresses to wash your clothes," I snapped, referring to the lipstick marks on the collar of his blue shirt. "I can't believe it's been almost a year and you're still sleeping around."

Seokjin placed his arm over to cover his eyes again, "If you're done then let me sleep. I've got to head out soon."

I reached for a pillow and threw it at Seokjin and watched it bounced off him. "Divorce. D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Now."

Seokjin sat up and turned to look at me, his eyes hardening, "We had an agreement, Shortcake. Your father's been causing my father problems and to avoid anything happening, we got married. You'll get that divorce if you convince your father to lay off."

I curled my hand into a fist as I glared at him, "You think if I can do that, I'd be asking you for a divorce?"

"Not my problem," Seokjin got up and pointed at me, "It's your father who started this, not me. If you want to blame someone then blame him."

I scowled, "Men. Y'all disgusting." With that, I turned and stomped out of there.


Seokjin picked up his shirt and looked at Jungkook who had stopped eating and was staring at him. The other members were as well.

"Jungkook, how do you feel about washing my clothes?"

Jungkook made a disgusted face, "I don't want to wash something that's been touched by who knows what."

Seokjin rolled his eyes. Yumi was at it again. It's not like Seokjin slept around, it just looks that way. They weren't in love or anything so he didn't need to explain anything to her. Plus, Seokjin was in love with someone else but then he was suddenly forced to marry Yumi because Yumi's father has been blackmailing Seokjin's father... which meant that he had Seokjin too.

"Hyung, can't you be nicer to her?" Taehyung asked, narrowing his eyes. "Yumi's not that bad if you get to know her."

"You want to marry her on my behalf?" Seokjin stretched and smirked when Taehyung didn't answer him and instead shot a glare at Seokjin's question. "I'm kidding. I am nice to her; she just doesn't know it yet."

"Coming home late," Namjoon held up a finger every time he names something, "hanging with other women, ignoring Yumi, making her do the chores and wash your clothes and spending less time with her..." Namjoon raised both his eyebrows, "that's what you called being nice?"

Seokjin snorted, "It's the kind of nice you don't understand."

"We'll be late," Jimin told Seokjin, shaking his head, "are you eating or not?"

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