Chapter 56

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This was it. We were over.

Or so I thought.

"Seokjin?" I whispered.

He said nothing. Instead, he reached for my hand, bringing it up. The bracelet he'd given me dangled before us and Seokjin kept his eyes on it.

My throat felt dry as I took in this sight. He wasn't going to take it off me, right? If we were to end, I want to at least have something that will remind me of him.

All these thoughts dissipate when Seokjin pressed his lips to the inside of my wrist before he playfully nipped at the skin with his teeth.

I winced at the pleasant ache his bite gave me.

"Is that all?" he asked, quietly before lifting his eyes from my wrist to meet my gaze.

I swallowed down the lump that was forming in my throat and forced myself to nod.

It's okay Yumi, I thought to myself. If he was to end things, it's okay. You'll be okay.

Seokjin leaned over me and before I knew it, nibbled on my earlobe before letting out a soft chuckle.


"I was worried for no reason," he murmured before pulling back, grinning down at me.

I frowned. "What?"

Seokjin's hand reached out and I softened when he stroked the side of my face with his knuckles, eyes warmed and full of love.

"Are you... sad?" I asked Seokjin in a quiet voice. I could hear the fear in that question.


"I might...not be able to give you kids," I said, quietly. "Seeing Miyoung and Jimin, are you sad?"

Seokjin smiled, bumping our foreheads together, "It doesn't matter whether we have kids or not, Shortcake. I'll just monopolise you and spoil you forever."

"But you want kids," I whispered. "I... might not be able to give you kids."

Seokjin moved towards the bed, sitting down before jerking me towards him. I fell on top of him and then he let out a deep chuckle before rolling us over with me beneath him. He tucked his face into my neck before asking in a muffled voice, "Why do you say that? Can you or can you not give me children?"

"My—father," I swallowed. "He... abused me. A lot."

He said nothing and I continued on in a soft voice, "He damaged parts of my body, Seokjin... When I left here, I thought that I might be pregnant since I couldn't stand the smell of some things and I threw up a lot too."

Seokjin nuzzled against my neck, "Yeah?"

"When I went to the doctor—" I said, voice cracking as tears pricked my eyes.

Seokjin kissed my neck before lifting himself off me. There, I watched his face gentled at the sight of me. It made me feel loved... and wanted. No, needed.

Grabbing my hands, he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me, holding me so close to him.

"It's okay, Shortcake," Seokjin murmured. "You don't have to revisit that memory."


"I want kids," he said in a quiet voice. "But I want you more."

I bite my lower lip to stop myself from crying at those words. Burying my face into his chest, I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

"I love you," he murmured. "So I'll take you as you are, okay?"

Again, I nodded.

I felt him kissed the side of my head before tightening his hold on me.

"Will it be hard for you to be around Miyoung?" Seokjin asked me quietly. I could tell he was worried for my sake... but more so than anything, he was worried about Miyoung and Jimin. He loves them both.

I smiled at his question and shook my head. "No," I told him honestly. "I was... just guilty every time I see Miyoung. I didn't know how to tell you... and I was worried."

"Good," he said, visibly relaxed by my words. "Because Miyoung is family, Shortcake."

"Yeah," I whispered. "She is."

"And we have to take care of her."

I nodded, "Mmhmm."

He kissed the side of my head once more before pulling back. There, I let his eyes roamed me. Seeing the worry in his eyes, I smiled at him to reassure him that I was okay. Really okay now.

"Fuck, I love you so much," he muttered.

"I love you too," I whispered, "So much."

Seokjin smirked, "Of course you do. I am Kim Seokjin after all."

I laughed at that. Trust him to ruin the mood... but I know that this was Seokjin's way of cheering me up. Cheering me and others while he quietly suffers alone. Well, not anymore. I won't let him suffer alone anymore.

As Seokjin and I laid in bed just talking about the most random things and having playful bantering here and there, I let myself think about my late mother. When Seokjin fell asleep beside me, looking so innocent and sweet, I reached out and stroked the side of his face.

My mother's words came back to me. Over and over again.

When you grow up, Yumi, you will definitely find someone who will want you and no one else. He will love you and protect you.

I smiled, feeling tears pricked my eyes. You were right, mum. 

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