Chapter 25

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We ended up flying out of the country once more for a private schedule. As I struggled to avoid my father's calls, I tried to focus on my work instead. I was behind on so many things and it was hard to catch up. I was a little thankful when Seokjin told me he doesn't want me with him since he'll be busy with his members. I think it was another way to avoid being seen in public and I was more than happy to oblige to his orders.

So, I stayed at the hotel and focused on my job.

As for the other girls, they tried inviting me out with them but I refused. A part of me really want to but I was afraid they'll start asking me questions about my life... or even worse, Seokjin and my relationship.

Ever since that kiss, Seokjin's been somewhat a little nicer to me. I wasn't used to people's kindness and because of that, I didn't know how to treat him or behave around him. So, I continued to ignore him and just talk when I needed to. We haven't touched each other or done anything since then.

Regardless of that, I'm glad that he and Rijin are no longer around each other. I could see her looking at him with that longing look and I almost felt bad... but then I remembered that I was in her position. Or maybe I am still in her position.

Someone like Seokjin is unobtainable. He'll slip away eventually and I don't want to break even more. I'll have to keep my walls up and make sure he doesn't enter my heart more than he already did.

I heard someone knocking on my hotel door, followed by Seokjin's muffled voice, "Shortcake."

My heart began racing as I got to my feet and made my way towards the door. Before I could even reach for the handle, Seokjin opened it and pushed his way inside.

I stumbled back and almost fell but it was him who grabbed my arm to steady me.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I asked him, removing his hand from my arm.

Seokjin frowned at that before lifting his eyes to meet mine. "Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"My... phone?" I looked over my shoulder and saw it on the bed. "Ah, I turned it off so I could focus on my work."

It was a lie. We both know that.

"Did you need something?" I asked.

"Pick up your damn phone," Seokjin said, annoyed. "I thought something happened to you."

I stared. "Are you saying that's why you're here?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he continued on, saying, "We're leaving earlier than expected. So make sure you pack and get ready to leave early tomorrow."

"How early?" I asked, feeling tired already. I don't want to go back to Korea. Not when I know my father's bound to make an appearance soon.

"Just be ready by nine," he said, turning his back towards me. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"W-wait," I grabbed his shirt and watched as he came to a stop. "What about the others?"

"They'll be leaving with us."

"All of them?"

Seokjin frowned. "Well, yeah."

I shifted uncomfortably and looked down at my feet. "Oh."

I could hear Seokjin let out a sigh before he said, "What's wrong now?"

"Nothing," I lifted my eyes to meet his, letting go of his shirt. To be honest, looking at him right now, I missed him even more. I haven't realised it but I got used to his presence... and when he's not there, well, I can't say I'm enjoying my time alone because I'm not.

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