Chapter 14

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It was the sound of yelling that woke me up the next morning. I winced when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach.

"Stupid period pain," I muttered as I put on my cardigan and stepped out of the room. I made my way down the hall towards the staircase as the voices grew louder.

"Back off," Seokjin said, in a lazy tone.

"You're not doing it," Hoseok told Seokjin. He had his back towards me but I could tell that he was serious. Really serious.

I frowned.

"For the last time," Seokjin said, with a short laugh. "Yumi's legally my wife."

My heart skipped at that.

"Hyung, she was really sick last night," Taehyung argued. "You can't just go and demand her to come with us. Do you know how hectic today's schedule is?"

Seokjin took a sip of his coffee. "So?"

"We're wasting time here," Namjoon put in. He pointed at Seokjin, "We're not bringing her along."

"Hey, since when did you guys start to standing against me?" Seokjin scowled, placing his coffee down. "I'm the eldest here."

"Then act your age," Yoongi shot back. "Don't be mean to her."

I swallowed the huge lump forming in my throat. They were fighting... because of me? Why? Why would they do that? They are Seokjin's closest friends. 

Jungkook placed his hands on Seokjin's shoulders. "Hyung, come nice and quietly or I'll seriously carry you out of here."

"You wouldn't," Seokjin arched his eyebrows at that, a small smile curling his lips. 

"Do it," Jimin said, picking up his bag. "Come on. Let's go or we'll be late."

Seokjin laughed, short and unamused as he ran a hand down his face. "You guys are going to regret it. You have no idea what kind of person Yumi is."

Without waiting for their response, Seokjin gracefully slid off his stool and grabbed his bag before walking towards the door.

I felt my heart aching at the sight. I don't know why but I didn't like it too.

Below me, the members were talking quietly and it was hard to hear what they were saying. My eyes went to the door that Seokjin had walked through and I let out a sigh.

Shaking my head to clear it, I turned to leave but then I heard Jungkook's voice behind me.

"Oh! Noona."

I closed my eyes briefly and continued to walk on anyways but then Jungkook was suddenly in my space and in front of me.

"Jungkook," I murmured. 

Jungkook frowned, his eyes going back to where I was standing before he said in a quiet voice. "You heard?"

"Why?" I asked. I didn't think he'd know what I'm asking but he surprised me by answering exactly what I was asking.

"Because you're our eldest hyung's precious wife," Jungkook said in a soft voice.

I scoffed at that. "Not by choice."

"Does it matter?"

"Seokjin's right," I said in a cold voice. "You guys have no idea what kind of person I am. Don't be fooled. I'm not the nice, sweet noona you guys think I am. Besides, Seokjin and I don't like each other. The second we sort things out, we're done."

Jungkook didn't flinch at my tone. Instead his lips curled into that soft, beautiful smile. "Is that so?"

It took me by surprise but I didn't let it show. I was good at that. Pretending not to feel anything.

"Yeah," I crossed my arms. "Go. Leave."

Jungkook grinned, eyes and all. It reminded me of how innocent he is... and it makes me want to smother him with love and care. Two things I don't know.

"That's not what I witnessed last night."

And my cheeks burn.

"You," I began, with a disbelief scoff.

Jungkook leaned towards me slightly, eyes sparkling. "The venom on your tongue isn't enough to make us turn our backs to you, Yumi noona." He paused and then smiled. "It's the same thing with hyungs too."

I opened my mouth to deny it but stopped when Jungkook handed me a brown paper bag.

"Eat," he ordered.

I stared at the bag before hesitantly accepting it. "What is... this?"

"No," Jungkook said, loudly, crossing his arms and turning back towards the stairs. "I went jogging this morning and happened to walk inside that bakery. I thought about how sick you were last night and decided that since we're leaving early and won't be back until late, you might want to eat something. It's not because Seokjin told me to buy it and bribed me with lunch."

I blinked and then looked at him.

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder at me and winked before jogging down the stairs to catch up with the other members who were probably in the van waiting for him.

I held the bag against my chest and even if I want to deny that it doesn't touch me a little, I can't. With a small smile, I walked back into my room. 

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