Chapter 44

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The minute I slipped under the sheets, turning my back towards Seokjin, that's when I felt the mattress dipped and then I was suddenly in his arms. Seokjin's arms closed around me tightly and I felt him buried his face into my neck, telling me that he was awake.

For some odd reason, tears welled in my eyes. I didn't like fighting with him or arguing with him. Not when Seokjin is the only one who understands me more than myself. He was special.

"I'm sorry," he said, voice rough with emotions. "I—shouldn't have yelled at you like I did."

My resolves fell apart and I turned around, wrapping my arms around him. Burying my face into him, I whispered, "I'm sorry too. I said so many mean things, didn't I? I hurt you."

Seokjin shook his head, pulling back, hands on my shoulders. His eyes were filled with pain and that honestly made me want to cry.

"My life is based on standing in front of those cameras, Shortcake," he said, the pain still lingering in his eyes. "I don't like it any more than you do but even if I want to, I have to be mindful and think about the members. I'm not in this alone- I'm with them."

I nodded. "I understand. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have—"

Seokjin pressed a kiss to my cheek, "You're right though, Yumi. I might as well be the one to deliver the blows."


"But I won't do that anymore," he said, voice full of determination.

When I pulled back to look at him, I couldn't describe the scary look he had in his eyes. It made me wonder who it was directed to.


I didn't expect to see Taehyung out on the veranda when I got up early. He was just standing there, hands on the railing and eyes out on the field. Lost in thoughts.

Sensing that someone was nearby, Taehyung turned his head towards me, making it hard for me to make a run for it.

A smile curled his lips and he beckoned me to go to him. I hesitated and then finally sighed before forcing myself to go to him. Not only did I get mad and made things awkward with Minseo, I also got into a fight and it resulted in Minseo getting hurt too. It didn't feel right to be here with him.

All thoughts dispersed when Taehyung closed his arms around me, hauling me against him. I stiffened, not knowing how I'm supposed to react.

"I'm sorry," he said, voice low. "Hyung and you got into a big fight, didn't you?"

I softened at the mention of the fight. With a small smile, I told him, "We sorted it out. Also," I pulled back, hands on his arms so that I can look at him. "You don't need to apologise. I should be the one apologising for getting Minseo hurt."

Taehyung made a face, "No. Minseo's fine. I'm more worried about you, noona."

"Me?" I blinked, confused. "W-why?"

Taehyung reached out, tracing the cut on my lips with his thumb and I winced at the touch of it. He frowned, "You seem like the type who's used to violence. I don't like it."

I froze at his words, trying to make sense of them.

With a chuckle, Taehyung ruffled my hair before sliding an arm around my shoulder, bringing me to stand next to him.

"You're strange," Taehyung murmured. "but in a good way. I'm happy that things worked out between you and Seokjin."

"Do... do you mean that?" I asked, quietly.

Taehyung leaned down, face nearing mine as he narrowed his eyes at me, "Have I ever given you any reason that I don't want things to work out between you two?"

I swallowed, "Uh, no."

I watched him smiled, in awe of his beauty as he moved away from me when he was satisfied with my answer. Then, he turned his head towards the house once more and I could see Minseo and Seokjin talking. Minseo had her hands on her hip, leaning up and talking to Seokjin. It was like...

"She's scolding him," Taehyung said with a laugh. "I should probably stop her."

I turned to Taehyung, "She loves you. Minseo."

Taehyung's head turned to me and he grinned, eyes sparkling with warmth at the mention of Minseo's love. "Yeah. I love her more though."

"It doesn't bother you?" I asked in spite of myself.

Taehyung laughed, soft, "At first, it did but I understood why she loves and cares about Seokjin. It's just that..." he trailed off and smirked, "I know she only has brotherly love for him. She loves the other members but Seokjin is the most important to her." He turned his eyes towards Seokjin and he softened. "He must have played an important role in her life before she met me."

I couldn't help but grinned at his last words. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Taehyung turned back to me and shrugged. "Now, the one who is more important than Seokjin is me."

I laughed, nodding, "I can see it."

Taehyung reached out, tousling my hair, eyes affectionate. "Now, let's go in and join the two. Minseo made plans today for us."

As I looked at Minseo and Seokjin laughing with one another, it made me realise just how important she is to Seokjin. Although Seokjin is equally close to Jiyeon and Seyeon, there was something about Minseo that was different. Maybe it's like what Taehyung said. Like how Seokjin played an important part in Minseo's life, Minseo might have played an important part in Seokjin's life too.


"It was my period," Minseo said, throwing an arm around me as we walked through town, "I'm usually not that weak, you know."

I nodded, unsure of what to say. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that Taehyung and Seokjin was still behind us but they were talking to each other.

"I should probably apologise," Minseo said with a sigh. "About bringing up your past... even though I knew how much it still hurts you—"

"Don't," I cut her off, shaking my head, "I get it. You're worried about me."

Minseo's eyes saddened. "I don't like to see people getting hurt."

I smiled at how adorable she looked right now. Maybe she saw a bit of herself in all of us... Jiyeon, Seyeon, Jihye and me... Maybe that's why she wanted to save us and encourage us in every way that she can. It was a way for her to make peace with herself. Minseo has issues... but don't we all?

To be honest, I wasn't happy when she brought it up but when I thought about it some more, it made me realise that the reasons why no one has brought it up is because Minseo kept quiet about it. She only brought it up when... well, it was probably too much for her. After all, she sleeps and eats with Taehyung and she's always around him and Seokjin... it must have been hard for her to watch and listen to them talk about me. It made me wonder just how much this girl knew... but is keeping quiet because she...

"Just so you know, Minseo," I said, turning so that our eyes could meet. "I love you too." 

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