Chapter 22

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"Hyung, your wrist..." Jungkook trailed off, his eyes coming to meet mine.

I glanced at Seokjin and saw him rubbing it.

"It's fine."

Jungkook was about to argue but Seokjin cut him off in a stern voice, "It's fine, Jungkook. Quiet."

Obviously annoyed at that, Jungkook shot him a glare and then walked out of the room. After returning to the dorms, we immediately went into Seokjin's room. I don't know why but he dragged me in there and Jungkook quietly followed us.

Seeing the cut on Seokjin's face made me feel guilty. Like maybe I should have gone with that man.

"We should take a look at your wrist," I said, quietly. I'd just learnt that Seokjin injured himself trying to get to me... though I'm not sure how.

"Want to take care of me?"

I lifted my eyes to meet his.

"If you want to take care of me, I can think of a better way for you to do so."

"What?" I asked, eager to do something for him. "Are you hungry? Does your wrist hurt? Want me to—"

"No, I'd rather have you naked and touch you," he coaxed, voice low and sultry. "Just like that night."

I choked at the unexpected answer.

Seokjin's lips curled into a playful smirk. "Don't worry about it. It's not as bad as Jungkook makes it out to be."

That's what he said but I was a little glad that he allowed me to ice his wrist and stay with him in his room. I didn't want to be alone.

"Ow!" I grabbed my head, glancing up at Seokjin who just bumped his head against mine. "What?"

"I want to take a shower."

My cheeks burn. "Are you asking me to—undress you and help you in the shower?"

Seokjin smirked. "No."

Handing the ice pack back to me, he stood up and made his way towards his bathroom.


When Seokjin came out of the shower, Yumi was asleep in his bed. Not wanting to wake her, he quietly slipped on his PJs and walked out of his room, leaving her to sleep – after gently covering her with the blanket. Ever since that night when he held her, something between them changed. Seokjin couldn't look at her and breathe at the same time – it's worse than before. He found his eyes on her more than usual and it's not because he doesn't trust her... well, he doesn't but he no longer keeps an eye on her as much. Maybe he's just using that as an excuse to have her near.

Shaking his head, Seokjin walked out towards the balcony after grabbing a beer. After today's incident, he needed to unwind. Both Seokjin and Jungkook almost caught the guy but Seokjin was able to block his hit by covering Jungkook who had followed Seokjin to find Yumi. That's how he got injured. The cut on his face came from the small knife the man was carrying. Thankfully, it's just a small cut.

Seokjin's just glad that no one got hurt. He didn't want the others to go through another Yoongi and Seyeon situation.

Something's not right here, he thought to himself as he drank his beer. First, it was the fingerprint marks on Yumi's neck and the cuts on her arms as well as the scars on her back... and now it's a person attempting to kidnap her. Yumi's been quiet about it... and strangely it looked like it was normal for her. Seokjin didn't like that.

Seokjin sighed. He's going to have to hurry up and end her father so that he'll leave Seokjin and his family alone.


He turned his gaze towards Minseo's voice. He wasn't surprised when he saw Jiyeon and Seyeon behind her.

Minseo came running towards him, throwing herself into his arms once more. "Seokjin!"

Seokjin's lips curled into a smile as he hugged her back with his free arm. "I don't think Taehyung will smile at this. This is the second time, you know."

The other members were still at the company aside from Jungkook and Seokjin who came back to the dorms with the girls. They should be coming home soon.

Minseo nuzzled against his chest. "They didn't catch the guy but I almost went after him."

Seokjin gently knocked his head against hers, "And you would have gotten hurt."

Minseo pulled away from him and batted her lashes at him, "I'd rather hurt than see you get hurt."

Jiyeon coughed at that.

Minseo arched an eyebrow, "What? This is my bias."

Seyeon shook her head, coming to stand beside Seokjin, resting a hand on his arm, "Are you okay?"

Seokjin nodded, "And you?"

She forced a smile, "A little shaken."

"Then shouldn't you be with Yoongi?" he turned his gaze towards the others. "Or Hoseok? Or Taehyung?"

"We wanted to be with you," Jiyeon said with a smile. "Hoseok will be fine."

Seokjin's lips twitched at how laxed she was about her husband. It made him happy to know that these three cares about him because he felt the same way about them too.

"What about Yumi?" Minseo asked, finally letting go of Seokjin. "Is she okay?"

"She's sleeping," Seokjin said, bringing the beer to his lips. "In my room."

"Ohhh," they chorused with knowing looks and smirks.

He rolled his eyes. "Not you three too."

Jiyeon nudged him with her elbow. "So... are you finally admitting that Yumi is precious to you?"

"I don't like her," he reassured him, though his chest hurt at those words. Seokjin hesitated and then shrugged. "I just don't want to get any closer to her. I don't want to complicate anything right now."

"Complicate how?" Jiyeon challenged, hands on her hip. "It's normal. I fell for Hoseok even though I didn't plan to. I don't regret it."

"That's the thing," Seokjin sighed, "I don't want to."

"Yumi is perfect for you," Seyeon said to him with a small smile. "I was worried at first but if it's Yumi then I know it's for the best. It might be complicated right now but... I'm sure you two will work it out."

"Right," Minseo murmured. "I can't believe you actually got married, Seokjin. Taehyung reminds me about that every day."

Seokjin grinned.

"But if it's Yumi then I can be happy since I know her. Well, sort of know her."

"I just don't know," Seokjin murmured to himself, turning his gaze towards the night view as he continued to drink. He can't exactly tell them about the pull he feels towards Yumi though because it's complicated. If Seokjin can, he'd cut all ties with her but it's not that simple. "I don't want to get close to her or fall for her. Our situation... you three wouldn't understand it."

"If you're worried about getting too close and falling for her," Minseo said slowly, "Wouldn't that mean that you're already too close and have fallen for her?"

Seokjin stiffened, holding the bottle in mid-air.

"I think it does," Jiyeon murmured in agreement.

Seokjin looked over his shoulder at her and his eyes widened, "What? No way."

Seokjin felt someone tapped his arm and he looked down to see Seyeon there. Her eyes looked bigger than they usually are.

"I think that's what it means too," she whispered, a slow smile curling her lips.

Well... fuck. 

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