Chapter 52

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A week later...


"She's gone?" Seokjin asked, eyes wide.

"We're done," Jimin muttered. "Over."

The members all shared a look.

"Jimin," Taehyung began.

Jimin shook his head. "I'm fine. You should all be worried about Miyoung. Not me."

Jungkook's eyes hardened and he turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him. Well, Jungkook would be mad. He and Miyoung were really close after all. Knowing that Jimin hurt her... who wouldn't be mad?

"You sure?" Hoseok asked, eyes narrowed. "You don't want to go after her?"

"No," Jimin said, turning his back towards them. "I'll be at the company if you need."

"And Miyoung's stuff?" Namjoon called out as Jimin left. "She didn't take anything with her."

Jimin said nothing. He just left.

"What a mess," Hoseok blew out a sigh, hands on his hip.

Yoongi chuckled, "What is happening?"

Seokjin knew what he meant. They've all been having issues lately. Hoseok and Jiyeon were fighting at the moment and as for Yoongi and Seyeon, things aren't great too. Seyeon's mad at Yoongi over something Yoongi said and the two haven't seen each other in two days. As for Taehyung and Minseo, Taehyung and Minseo were having a disagreement over something, resulting in Taehyung giving Minseo the silent treatment and space. Namjoon and Jihye were... well, Jihye's gone to ground. She just disappeared. Now they just learnt that Jimin and Miyoung broke up.

"Great," Seokjin muttered. "Just. Great."

His mind wandered to Yumi and how she was doing. It's been so long since he last saw her... and he missed her every day. He wonders if she's met someone new... and whether that person is nice to her. He thought about whether she was eating or not... or if she was rushing to get her work done. More so than anything, he wonders if she's okay now. If rain still scares her.


The days passed by quickly for them. They were flying from places to places, unable to catch a break as they toured around. Some days, it got hard for Seokjin to get up... not only was he tired, he was missing Yumi so much.

He hasn't seen her or talked to her in a month and a bit. It was hard not to run after her but he forced himself to remember why he was doing this. For her to be free.

He felt someone heading his way and lifted his eyes up to meet Taehyung's. Taehyung grinned at him and then sat down beside him. They were on their private jet and heading home.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked Seokjin.

Seokjin just nodded, turning his gaze towards the window. "Does it get easier?"

"Nope," Taehyung answered honestly.

Seokjin shifted his gaze back to Taehyung. "No?"

Taehyung smiled, "Minseo's it for me. I knew it the second I met her."

Seokjin smiled at that. The members also knew it too when they learn of Minseo's existence. The one who can tie Taehyung down is her. The only one who will love Taehyung and stay with him forever was Minseo.

"Yumi's it for you, hyung," Taehyung said, bumping his knee against Seokjin's. "If she doesn't come back, you have to be the one to run after her."

Seokjin made a face at that, "I didn't send her away just to go after her, you know."

Taehyung chuckled at that, "It gets harder every day."

Seokjin arched an eyebrow.

"It doesn't get easier," Taehyung told him. "It gets harder."

Seokjin's chest tightened at those words. It was true. 

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