Chapter 27

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One week later...


I stood there in my father's office, trying so hard not to shake as he looked at me. After Seokjin and the members left to practice for an event, I decided to go see my father. I had to lie to Seokjin that I was busy with my work – which isn't a complete lie. I was busy but I had to make time to see my father. I could only hope things will go smoothly so that I will be able to return back home with no marks on me. I don't want to arouse Seokjin's suspicion even more.

"You must think you're so smart, coming in like you did today," my father said, stroking his chin as he smirked. "You should have been smarter and came that other week, though it doesn't matter anymore."

I tensed. "Why... doesn't it matter?"

"I got videos and pictures," he said, vaguely. "Even without your help, I got them."

My stomach lurched. What videos and pictures were he talking about? Why is he smiling so smugly and confidently like this? Was it enough to ruin Seokjin or the others?

I tried not to let my worries show on my face as I asked him, "What kind? You really think it's enough to scare Seokjin or his family?"

My father shrugged. "Guess we'll find out either way. You can leave."

As I left my father's company, I can't help but worry about it. Just when I was starting to warm up to Seokjin and the others too... just when I'm starting to enjoy being with the girls too...

I glared up at the sky, wanting to curse whoever it is up there, ruining my life. Heaving a sigh, I hailed a taxi and got out of there.


Seeing the videos and photos Yumi's father sent him really pissed him off. Unable to hold back the anger, he left practice, telling the members he was busy as he left to go to her father's company.

It was two days before the concert and he felt bad for leaving the others and he could even see how tired they were but it couldn't wait.

"What's the meaning of this?" Seokjin held up his phone, showing the photos and videos of Yumi and Seokjin. It was one of the many times when the two were out in public, arguing and fighting. From the pictures, it looked really bad, especially since Seokjin was grabbing onto her arm and staring down at her angrily. The videos showed how Yumi looked like too – tired, angry and frightened. It was enough to start a controversary. Something they don't want or need at the moment.

"Abuse must run through the family," her father said with a smug smile. "My daughter told me all about it. How aggressive you can be as well as your verbal abuse. You're still with that staff member even after you married my daughter, right?"

Seokjin glared. "So? You're going to start acting like a doting father? I know your relationship with Yumi isn't as great as you faked it to be. She's been avoiding you these days too."

"Oh? She didn't tell you she came to see me the other day, did she?" he smiled though it was hostile.

Seokjin tensed at that. The other day? Was it the day where she told him she was busy with her work and couldn't go with him to watch them practice? No, she wouldn't lie to him. Not when she hates her father this much.

"She's doing better than I thought," her father said, interrupting Seokjin's conflicted thoughts. "I thought she would have tried to run away."

Seokjin arched his eyebrows, "Yumi isn't weak or manipulative like you are, old man."

Yumi's father brushed him off, "Whatever. Get your father to sign those documents for my new project and the photos and videos won't be released. For now."

Seokjin clenched his jaw, glaring at Yumi's father, wanting nothing more than to tear him apart for disturbing Seokjin's peaceful life.

"I'll find out," Seokjin promised in a deadly whisper as he turned to leave. What you're hiding and all your deepest, darkest secrets that will ruin you.

"You won't," he laughed. "Because you don't trust Yumi, do you? Not to mention, she doesn't trust you too because if she does, we wouldn't be having this conversation."


"I don't want it!" Seokjin snapped, pushing my hand away when I offered him some fruits.

My heart ached at the rejection. "Why? Are you not hungry?"

Seokjin lifted his angry eyes to meet mine but said nothing. Sensing how tense it is between the two of us, the members quietly left to go to the company first. When Seokjin came back from practice, he was mad and super annoyed.

Thinking he was either tired or stressed from their practices, I wanted to help him feel better by offering him some fruits. But looking at him right now, I shouldn't have interfered.

"Care to tell me where you went the other day, Shortcake?"

"The other day?"

Seokjin's eyes narrowed on me, "It seems like my wife left home and went to her father when she told me she couldn't make it to see our practice performances."

My stomach lurched at that. Did he...

Seokjin let out a hard laugh, "Your expression says it all." He stood up and glared down at me. "Get out of my way."

I quickly placed the plate of fruits on the table and then grabbed his sleeve, "W-wait. What did he say to you? Did he threaten you or—"

Seokjin batted my hand away from him. "I was wrong to think that we could ever try to get along."

I winced at that. "We don't need to get along like Jiyeon and Hoseok, you know. It hasn't been a problem—"

"Tell me," he cut me off, taking a step towards me. "Why does your father know about Rijin?"

I paled at that. "He knows about Rijin?"

"Stop trying to act all innocent here," he growled. "No one knows about her except for you and the members. I've been hiding her well so there's no way your father could have known."

"M-maybe he stalked you a few times?" I suggested in a small voice. "I—don't know. I didn't tell him, I swear."

"I don't believe you," he whispered, eyes cold.

My chest tightened at his whispered words and although it hurt, I forced myself to grab his sleeve to stop him from retreating.

"Talk to me," I said, holding back the tears filling my eyes. "What did he say to you? Did he threaten you?"

"Your father mentioned you not trusting me," Seokjin stated, eyes narrowed on me. "That we wouldn't be in this situation if you trusted me. What does he mean by that?"

"I don't know," I whispered.

This made him angrier.

"Think!" he yelled.

I winced at that, trying so hard to think about what he meant. Maybe it was because Seokjin was so angry that it totally screwed with my head. I couldn't think. All that was on my mind is the fact that my father probably forced something on Seokjin again.

I lifted my eyes to meet his, "I—don't know."

Seokjin tsked at that, batting my hand away from his sleeve before turning to leave. "I can't even stand to look at you, Yumi. Just get out of my sight."

Without another word, he left. 

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