Chapter 30

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I made my way to see the members' performances today in attempt to make up for lying to Seokjin that day. I think he was happy to see me. I know the girls were definitely happy to see me. It made me a little sad that Miyoung wasn't here.

I thought it'll be the same for Jimin but his attention seemed to be on something else... or should I say someone.

"Who's that?" I asked Minseo, jerking my chin towards a female celebrity.

"Haeun," Minseo told me, shoving a cheese stick into her mouth. "A rising star."

My eyes swing back to Jimin and then went back to the other celebrities. "Seems like she's liked by a lot of people."

"Yeah, apparently she has a really good personality too," Minseo told me. "Which sucks because she's freaking beautiful."

That, she was.


I looked at Seokjin who was now standing by my side.

"What are you looking at?" he asked me.

"Haeun," I said to him. "Do you know her?"

"No," he answered, uninterested. Taking off his watch, he gave it to me, "Can you put this in your bag and give it to me later?"

"Why can't you do that?"

"Because I need to use the bathroom and then get changed."

"Oh," I took the watch from him. "You do that then."

I didn't realise my eyes were still on him even after he was out of sight. That's until I felt Jimin poked my cheek.


"You want to follow him?" Jimin asked, teasingly.

"O-obviously not," I said with a disbelief scoff. "Why would I?"

He smirked. "It looked like you were undressing him with your eyes."

"I was not!" I said, defensively.

Jimin laughed at that, eyes and all. He tousled my hair, eyes full of affection before he turned to leave to get his makeup done.

Making my way towards the dressing room, I bumped into Rijin who was there. This was the first time I saw her since that embarrassing moment where I announced that Seokjin was mine.

"Do you really think someone like you is enough for him?" Rijin asked, eyes cold.

"Do you think anyone will ever be enough for him?" I shot back. "I don't think anyone is worthy to stand by him."

"He deserves to have someone who understands his every need," Rijin said, lowering her lashes as she reached out, brushing the side of my face with the back of her hand. To others, it'll look like she's being affectionate but I knew better than that.

"And you think you understand him," I said, standing my ground.

Rijin dropped her hand, smiling at me though it was clear that it wasn't a friendly or warm smile.

"I do," she said, softly. "I know what makes him happy... while sharing his bed and being out of his bed. I've been with him longer than you have. Unlike you, I've seen him struggle and know parts of him that you don't. His fears, his dreams," she paused. "how much he likes and craves my touch. All of those things, I know very well."

If she was trying to hurt me or anger me, it was working.

"Now I ask you again, do you really think someone like you is enough for him?" she repeated with a smirk.

Without waiting for my response, Rijin turned and left. Her words ring out in my head as I stood there, unable to move. Her question pierced me, like a needle set on putting the poison of doubt into my heart.


After their performance, Yumi left. She didn't even say goodbye.

"What's with her?" he muttered.

"I thought you two made up," Seyeon said, giving Seokjin's watch back to him. Yumi had given it to Seyeon before leaving.

It was Seokjin's way to get Yumi to stay behind but it obviously didn't work because she's not here.

"We did," he mumbled. "I think."

"Everything was okay before though?" Jimin piped in. "I was with her for a few minutes before."

Seokjin shook his head. "It's probably nothing."

"There's an encore stage for everyone," Jungkook said, coming over towards the two. "Let's head out."

And that's what he did... though Seokjin couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen. 

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