Chapter 37

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Minseo was drunk.

It was a good thing because that means she talks a lot. Something Taehyung wanted her to do. Since Minseo occupied most of Taehyung's thoughts, he's always looking at her and because of that, he can read her really well. That's how he knew she had something on her mind.

Minseo laid down on his bed, eyes closed but they both knew she wasn't sleeping. Taehyung slipped under the sheets, pulling her into his arms. She went willingly.

He dropped a kiss to her forehead, murmuring, "What's on your mind?"

Minseo opened her glassy eyes and looked up at Taehyung. She said nothing.

That had him worried.

He shook her lightly, "What's wrong, Minseo?"

Minseo closed her eyes, a drunken smile on her lips. Then, she whispered, "I love you, Taehyung. So much... but you know that, don't you?"

Before he could say anything, Minseo was out.


Not only did I wake up with a banging headache, I woke up beside Seokjin who had his arms wrapped around me.

Embarrassed by the state I was in, I tried to get out of his grip, only to fall over the second my feet hit the ground.

"Those damn heels," I muttered to myself.

"What a great view," Seokjin murmured.

I let out a surprise shout, turning around so that I hide myself from him. Not that it worked though. I was naked. Fully naked and covering myself with my hands.

"D-don't look," I said, miserably as my cheeks flushed with shame.

Seokjin's hair was messy and his eyes were still misty with sleep but even so, he pulled the covers back and patted next the empty spot next to him. "Come back to bed."

"I—should go clean myself up," I stammered.

Seokjin smirked, "Well, the bathroom's right there."

So I sprinted towards his bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I was right. The second I saw myself in the mirror, I almost screamed at how horrible I looked. My hair was a mess and my makeup was all over the place.

Groaning at my appearance, I quickly took off what's left of the makeup and took a long, hot shower while planning what I should do next. After I got out, I realised that I don't even have clothes on me. I debated leaving Seokjin's room to go to my room but then got embarrassed when I thought of one of the members seeing me with just a towel.

I opened the door and peeked out.

Seokjin glanced over his shoulder at me, his eyes dropped to my towel and he grinned.

"Stop it," I mumbled, trying to hide from him.

"Why are you so cute," he murmured, shaking his head as he made his way towards me.

"Can you go get my clothes?" I asked him, hiding behind the door.

Seokjin pushed the door opened and stepped inside the bathroom, dropping his hands to my waist as he pulled me against him.

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