Chapter 11

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You'd think that the fact Seokjin carried me bridal style because I'm exhausted and getting sick, that he'll place me on the bed gently. He didn't. The guy literally tossed me onto the bed, making my head throbbed even more. 

I groaned, "Jerk."

"You should be thanking me."

I glared up at him, "I hate you."

Seokjin smirked. "I know you do."

For a long while we just looked at one another until I could no longer stand the feel of his eyes on me.

"What?" I asked, eyes narrowed.

"Just thinking."


A slow smile curled Seokjin's lips before he said, "How I could undress you and do you in a hundred different ways while you're vulnerable like this."

I choked at that and grabbed the blanket, covering myself with it. 

"I have a meeting," Seokjin said, turning his back towards me as he walked towards the door. "Stay in here until our flight."

"Sure," I murmured. It wasn't until the door closed behind him that I said in a quiet voice, "Thank you."


"I like Yumi even more," Namjoon said, grinning. That's the first thing that was said the minute they walked out of the meeting.

"Didn't think it was possible," Seokjin muttered.

"She looks so cool, standing up to those people," Taehyung added, "even though she didn't have to."

"We're used to it," Seokjin reminded him. "Yumi standing up to them doesn't make any difference."

"Yeah right," Jungkook snorted. "You can pretend all you want but we know deep down, you're a little happy just like the rest of us."

Seokjin said nothing to that because although he didn't like Yumi stepping in like she did, he was a little grateful. Not that he'll admit that to anyone though.

Yoongi yawned, "It's time to go home, huh?"

"I can't wait," Jimin said, eyes sparkling. "I really can't."

"When are you going to introduce her to all of us?" Hoseok asked, turning his attention to Jimin. "I know Taehyung and Jungkook met her before but the rest of us haven't."

Jimin smirked. "One day. I promise."

Seokjin shook his head at that. They often wonder who Jimin was with when he's out late and when they're on their breaks. They joke around, saying that it's a girl until one day, Jimin told them that it's actually a girl. They've never met her though but if she can make Jimin smile like that then she's already loved by the members.


Seokjin wasn't surprised when he saw Yumi passed out on the bed. She wasn't feeling too well after all.

Placing his hands on his hip, he glanced over at her.

"Not fair at all," Seokjin muttered, rolling his eyes. Not only is Yumi beautiful, she has that fire in her. The fire that Seokjin loves. Seokjin wants that fire in a girl - he wants her to be able to rely on herself before she can rely on him. He wanted someone who's strong enough to hold herself up as well as himself... too bad though. Just maybe... if the two met under different circumstances, they might have- 

Seokjin's phone vibrated, bringing his attention towards his phone. Seokjin glanced down at his phone, seeing the incoming call from his mother. Clearing his throat, he answered the phone. "Mom?"

"How's my boy?" she cooed.

Seokjin walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him for privacy.

"I'm good," Seokjin said, leaning against the bathroom sink. "How are you, mom?"

"We would be better when things go back to normal," his mother said, with a bitter laugh. "How's the girl? Is she giving you trouble?"

Seokjin ran a hand down his face. How could he forget the reason why they're married? 

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