Chapter 19

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I closed the door behind me and took off all my clothes. Stepping out of my clothes, I made my way towards the mirror, glancing at my reflection. All the scars... cuts and bruises... they make me look so ugly. No matter how many years it's been, I will never get used to the abuse – both physically and mentally. I know that even if I was to run away, I can never truly escape it. It's funny because no matter how old I get, I'm still that same little girl who gets hit by her father. As the years go by, I feel as though I got weaker... not stronger. And I hated that.

Turning my attention towards the bathtub, I stepped into it and sat down, turning on the water before pulling my knees up and burying my face in it. During times like these, I cannot help but break down...Because it reminds me that I will never escape that living hell I was forced to live in.

It doesn't matter if I try though. My father being the powerful person he is... will drag me right back. Just like that time.


"Mum," Seokjin sighed into his phone as he slipped on his PJ shirt.

"I'm telling you, just divorce her already!"

"It's not that easy," he reminded her. After parting with Yumi, he walked back to his own room, took a shower and as he was getting out, his mother rang him. As much as Seokjin would like to deny it, he cannot help but feel frustrated and annoyed at Yumi every time after talking to his mother. Maybe it was because she reminds him about Yumi and her father. Maybe it was because Seokjin was starting to let Yumi into his life. He doesn't know. He just doesn't want to talk to his mother and sort this out himself.

He grabbed another new towel on his bed and then walked out of his room towards Yumi's room. He forgot to tell her where the towels were before she went to shower. He only remembered when he was getting out of the shower.

When Seokjin reached her room, he saw that she wasn't in there, seeing as the door was wide open. Turning his attention towards the bathroom, he made his way there, trying to button his shirt with his hand.

"So? I don't like the thought of her hurting you, Seokjin."

Seokjin smiled wryly at that, "As if that woman could hurt me, mum."

"Seokjin," she began, trying to calm herself. "I don't think you..."

The words didn't reach him as Seokjin came to a stop when he saw that there was water on the floor... telling him that Yumi was using the bathtub.

"Mum, I'll call you later," Seokjin said quickly before hanging up on his mother.

He knocked on the door loudly, heart thumping with fear, "Yumi! Why is there water out in the hallway?"

No answer.

Cursing at the situation, Seokjin pounded over and over again and when it's clear that Yumi is not responding like she usually would, he went running to find the keys. He never thought he'd see her like this though.

Yumi. Passed out in the bathtub. Covered in cuts.


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