Chapter 33

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"What are we buying?" Jungkook asked as he joined Seokjin in one of the shops for females. After returning from his parents' house, he suddenly remembered something important. Unable to make a decision, he called Jungkook for help.

Seokjin glanced down at the at the vanilla hand cream before holding it up and showing it to Jungkook.

"Hand cream?"

"What do you think?"

Jungkook frowned. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say here, hyung."

"Sniff, kid," Seokjin said, waving the cream in his face. "You're sensitive to smell. I want your opinion on it."

Jungkook opened the lid and sniffed like Seokjin ordered, making Seokjin grinned at the sight. He can be so obedient at times and it makes him even cuter.

His eyes widened. "It smells like the perfect scent for Yumi."

Seokjin didn't like the fact that Jungkook can say that casually. Just how close did he get with Yumi to be able to—


Ignoring Jungkook, Seokjin walked towards the counter before he changed his mind.


I was rushing to get my work down, panicking because of the limited time. That workshop was enough to turn my life upside down. I had so many things to do and was running out of time. I locked myself in my room, barely making time to eat and drink as I tried to get things done.

I heard the door knocked twice before Seokjin opened it.

"I'm a little busy," I muttered, eyes trained on my laptop, still typing.


I glared at him, "What?"

"Come here."

I glanced back down at my laptop screen, "I'm a little busy right now, you know. I don't have time to entertain you because we'll end up fighting. If you want to fight then we'll fight later."

I could hear his eyes rolling. "Come here, Shortcake."


"Hey, I'm not going to stop annoying you until you come here, you know."

Yeah, I know that.

Slamming my laptop shut, I glared at him, "Make it quick. I have so much to do and I can't do them if you're in my space."

I feel bad for being snappy but I can't help it. I was behind, dammit.

"Yeah, seeing you like this makes me feel really good."

Scowling at that, I got to my feet and stomped towards where Seokjin was. He was leaning against the door frame, head tilted to the side as he watched me.

"What?" I scowled.

"I won't be coming home tonight," he said. "There's been some... issues."

I stopped scowling. "What?"

"I don't want you home alone but I have no other choice. There's something I need to complete at the company."

Glancing up at him, I nodded and then said, "Is that it? If so then... you really didn't need to let me know but I appreciate it. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my work."

I turned around but Seokjin grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. I was about to scold him for that but stopped when he pushed something into my hand. A small bag.

I blinked at it, feeling my heart race. "Um, what is this?"

"A gift."

I looked up at him, not knowing what expression I was wearing but I saw Seokjin's eyes warmed for a brief moment.

"For you," he finished.


Seokjin reached for something in his pocket and I watched as he pulled out a velvet box. He opened it and I saw a silver bracelet with a shortcake charm dangling on it.

My eyes widened at the sight of it but I felt my expression softened at it. It can't be... can it?

I was shocked by the whole thing that I didn't even feel Seokjin put the bracelet on me. When it hit me, I slowly lifted my eyes to meet him.

His eyes locked on mine for a long while and I felt him stroke the inside of my wrist.

"Today's your birthday, isn't it?" he asked in a soft voice. "Happy birthday, Shortcake. If I knew—no, if the members knew about it, we would have planned something."

I felt my throat drying up. "You—didn't have to."

He shook his head. "We might not get along but birthdays are something we have to celebrate. The members and I always celebrate it. Besides," his voice dropped into a soft tone, "things are different now between us."

I didn't want that to affect me but it did. So very much.

Seokjin lets go of my wrist and tucked his hands in his pockets. "We'll celebrate it after all this passes."

I shook my head, not wanting to but Seokjin just rolled his eyes. "You don't have a choice."


"No buts."

"Why?" I asked, quietly.

He didn't say anything and turned his back towards me. "I have somewhere I need to be right now. I'll see you later."

I should have let him go but I didn't. Instead, I took a step towards him, tugging on his sleeve and in a quiet voice, demanded, "Tell me why."

He didn't say anything and because of that, I was about to just back away when he surprised me by saying in a quiet voice, "Because you're my wife."

I stared.

Seokjin looked over his shoulder and made a face at me. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're going to cry," he muttered with a bitter smile. "Anyways, I need to leave now. Better keep that bracelet on."

I ran my fingertips over it. "Why?" I asked.

I felt Seokjin move and pulled his sleeve back and that's when I looked up and saw it. A matching one.

"You..." I trailed off, feeling my cheeks warm at that.

"I like cute things like this," Seokjin said with a wry smile.

"Is this a c-c-couple—"

Seokjin grabbed both my cheeks and pulled. "Stop making such an ugly face."

I glared.

His eyes warmed as he stroked my cheeks before turning and leaving me there, all warm and happy from that.

It wasn't until he left that it hit me. How did he know it was my birthday? 

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