Chapter 48

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Seeing Miyoung with Jimin hurts. What hurts even more was the fact that he knew he was going to have to let her go. Why? Because he loves Jimin more. Their brotherhood meant more to him than any woman does. That's what sucks because Jungkook likes Miyoung. A lot.


Jungkook looked over his shoulders at Namjoon who was standing by his door. It's been three days since that incident. When Namjoon received a phone call from Minseo, he rushed out of there- forgetting the fact that he was supposed to help Jungkook with one of the songs. He considered staying out of their business but when he remembered the anger on Namjoon's face, he didn't think twice and rushed out of there.

He got lost though. Went to the wrong police station.

When Jungkook finally arrived, he saw that Jihye looked pale. He saw how protective Namjoon was of her and that made him smile.

She's his, Jungkook thought to himself as Namjoon examined Jihye who was trying to remove herself from him. And he's hers.

"What's up?" Jungkook said.

Namjoon sat on the edge of Jungkook's bed and hesitated. This got Jungkook's attention.

"Thank you," Namjoon said with a smile. "For not... mentioning that to the other members."

"We're a family," Jungkook reminded him. "I don't like keeping things quiet but I respect your reasons why."

Namjoon nodded, solemnly. "I know... I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be asking you to—"

Jungkook held up a hand to stop him from talking. It worked.

"If you're really sorry then help me out with this part," Jungkook said, handing him the notebook with his lyrics on them.

Namjoon grinned at that, shuffling back on the bed, crossing his legs and then patted to the empty spot across from him. "Sit."

Jungkook moved towards the bed and sat down.

"Where's Yumi by the way?" Jungkook asked, yawning. "Miyoung is with Jimin and both Seokjin and Yumi are not here."

"Yumi said something about going to see her father," Namjoon answered, reaching for one of Jungkook's pens. "Seokjin? I'm not too sure."

Jungkook pressed a hand to his stomach, frowning at the uneasiness he was getting from this.

"This part is good," Namjoon said, bringing his attention back to Namjoon. "You did well."

Jungkook forced a smile, "Thanks."

Turning his attention towards the windows, Jungkook's eyes narrowed and he silently pray that this wasn't a sign that something's about to happen.



He slapped me so hard that I was on the floor. This wasn't something new.

I glared up at my father from the ground, "Is that all you've got? My, father, you used to hit me until I passed out and couldn't go to school, didn't you? What, you afraid that people will question why I look like this?"

It was a bad idea to rile him up but I couldn't help it. I was tired of all the abuse from this man. Now that I finally found a man worth holding onto... I won't let him ruin me even more. Not when Seokjin loves me. Especially not when I love him too.

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